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My bong cooler and cpu lap

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So pretty much ive delt with a lot of radiators to get decent temps. But now i can get below ambient temps every day with my home made bong. Its pretty intense.


Ok so Normal radiators are cooled by ambient air. SO the best you can get with the best radiators money can buy is Ambient temp water. Now this is an Evaporative cooling system Ambient air only has small effect on whats goin on. Its pretty simple setup Showerhead at top breaking the water into as small of droplets as possible making more surface are for the water to get hit with air and evaporate releasing all the heat. There is a 120mm fan on the elbow that blows air up and out. The pvc goes all the way down into the cooler which is holding about 5 gallons of water. I also use window screen to help further break up the water and also to dampen splashing noise. This is a simple rundown on whats goin on ill give you more later. But to give you an idea when my room is 90f (no ac and my room is upstairs) My cpu at 1.55v idles at 34 load 42 my gpu's idle at 29-30 and max load of maybe 38. Now when i say max load i mean torture testing prime95/furmark whatnot. On average my gaming temps are 38cpu 31on both gpu's which is pretty sweet.


Now take note Bong cooling is EXTREMELY simple anyone with 3/4 of a brain and some basic tools can do this. There is a little waterloss but since you wont be running coolants its not expensive in any way. Also use http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/...3+90401+500967 To keep growth out of your water. Note There are so many ways to make these it can be pretty much any height/ any size tank as long as you make changes to get the evaporation needed to make it effective. Mine is medium size But due to large volume tank makes minimal maintenance and i still have room to make it run even colder.















So this dropped my temps another... 7-10c Its pretty awesome and now my comp is completely silent with just a trickle of water. HELL YA



SO getting started.









Edited by motoray

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A bit more text explaining what you have done and why it works and I can see this thread getting a bit of interest. :)


"now my comp is completely silent with just a trickle of water"


Don't those fans (I see 5 including the blower on the motherboard) make a bit of noise?

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This is full of win.


I've wanted to build one of these since like 2004!



These are fricken dope...


(absolutely no pun intended... heh.. geddit bong... dope... hehe but really it wasn't intended)

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Dude build one this cost me.... 50$ lol although i have a Heatkiller 3.0 cpu block mcp355pump with xspc res top and 2 mcw60's with my own custom card mod. Which i need to post that mod up when i feel like not being lazy.

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I've seen a similar setup with a shower head and ping pong balls in a 6" PVC pipe - completely passive :)


That GPU temp is impressive, which comes first in the loop? GPU or CPU?


For anyone who is curious, this method of cooling uses evaporative cooling as opposed to a radiator. It's the same reason why a breeze hitting you after hopping out of the shower makes you feel cold and is the exact same concept as sweating; as the water evaporates, it cools the surface it is in contact with, or, just the water itself in this case :)

Edited by airman

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can anyone explain the sanding of the processor?



A lot of CPU surfaces aren't completely flat, and even if they ARE square (not warped), the surface isn't milled very finely and the tiny microscopic grooves can affect cooling. The fine sanding of the processor's IHS (integrated heat sink - the metal part on top) to a mirror finish improves contact between the CPU and the heatsink or in this case, the waterblock. In the cases that the processors aren't completely flat to start out with, a few folks have seen 5-7c drop in load temperatures. I lapped my old p4 and only saw a 1 or 2c drop.

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Ya if you take note i drew a lil diagram that shows what the surface was shaped like. So by making it perfectly flat you use less thermal compound and have better contact making for colder temperatures.

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This is AWESOME! I say bong cooler FTW! It's huge too, and amazing lapping job on your proc as well. With this set up you could also will it with ice water for some killer bench runs with that budget cooler.


...Ah crap... this guy is trying to take newbie of the year away from me... oh dear... I must contribute again!

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