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Watercooling my next rig, first timer here.

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John's Computer Checklist - $2025-2075


This is my 2nd rig I will be building. I built my first rig about 4 years ago and I am dying to utilize the i7. Would love some suggestions if you think you would do something else. Money isn't that big of an issue but would like to keep it close to (OR UNDER! :D) 2000. I am getting the 2.6 Ghz i7 but planning on OC it close to 4Ghz. Check out the specs:


Main Components: $1550


Processor: $280


Edited by jcichetti

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I am no water cooling expert but I have heard good things from the heatkiller water block, I'd ask or wait for a response from ccokeman, he knows his stuff when it comes to watercooling I7's :)



As for the motherboard, that seems like a good price for an X58 chipset.

I'd also look into the sound cards from Asus. Much better in my opinion, driver wise and quality.



EDIT: Forgot to mention, a friend of mine told me that the Antec 1200 is a bad case for water cooling, im not to sure on his word though since he doesn't have the case but hes a WC freak so idk.

As for the power supply, 750 is fine. 1000w is not a bad option though if you can find one around the same price range, especially if you want to add another video card, or overclock your I7 a bit more.



EDIT: Cheaper 1TB seagate: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822148433

Edited by damian

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Lots of the prices you listed are too high. Check out NCIX.com. Also I've had tons of high end cases and the twelve hundred is NOT worth $170. I didn't really like it at all. I just got a NZXT tempest and it's awesome except for the top 5.25 drive bays - they have no way to secure drives or faceplates using screws!! other than that it's way more bang for the buck. Also another great one if youre thinking of watercooling is thermaltake kandlf LCS or Thermaltake Armor LCS. Lot's of people will bash TT products but I've had both and they were excellent products. BTW Kandalf LCS is available for <$300 and is absolutely freakin HUGE!

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Case: $170

Antec Twelve Hundred Black Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case



I would go with ATCS 840 for the case Very good case for Water cooling and with slight mods can accomadate 2 loops with ease. It does cost more however :(

Personally I am waiting on the Corsair Obsidian 800D. Which as of today was released info they are ".....in production, and unless a boat sinks should be showing up in stores in a few weeks..." around beginning of August. It's an awesome case, but it's 300 god forsaken dollars.


Power Supply: $165





HX1000W is ftw power supply. It's a full on beast mode PSU, and will allow you to upgrade in the future, but isn't really needed if your staying with only 1 gfx card, and if you ever think you might step up to a 3rd the HX1000W can prolly pull it out but it's gunna push it to the limits and Corsairs boards and EVGA's boards are full of folks that have blown those PSU's running 3x gtx 285's and i7's. In which case a 1200W might be in order.


Video Card: $299

EVGA 017-P3-1175-AR GeForce GTX 275 1792MB 448-bit DDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 SLI



This is another area to make sure to pay attention too. Since if you decide to upgrade to 2 or 3 cards later you'll need the exact same ones and while i know these just released not too long ago, so too did the gtx 280's and there no longer around, yet the 295's still are, so you may consider investing in 2 or 3 at first if thats what you think you might want later. (within the next year) since the 300 series is around the corner.


GPU Waterblock: $100-$120


*Need a good recommendation for EVGA GeForce GTX 275 1792 MB edition

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I can vouch for the GTZ. Its a great waterblock. Yes, the antec 1200 isn't the best case to watercool, but it works. But since you're gonna wc the video cards too, you might wanna consider the HAF 932. Oh yea for the res the swiftech mini res thing is nice.

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I can vouch for the GTZ. Its a great waterblock. Yes, the antec 1200 isn't the best case to watercool, but it works. But since you're gonna wc the video cards too, you might wanna consider the HAF 932. Oh yea for the res the swiftech mini res thing is nice.


Oh boy, the HAF 932 looks real nice. I am going to have to do a little more research on it but obv it has everything I am looking for. I do like the option to top-load the radiator with a 3x120mm type. Looks real nice. Thanks for the suggestion

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I think there are others on these forums more suited to helping you, but I'll put in my 2 cents.

Recommended reading before making any suggestions:



I just got done doing my first water cooling setup and am most pleased with the results after learning what I did form those threads. I went with a D-Tek Fuzion 2 cpu block, Swiftech MCP 355 pump, XSPC dual bay resevoir, 7/16" ID Masterkleer lines and a Swiftech MCR-220 QP radiator. Only thing I have added to this whole setup is a voltage trim for the pump since it was flowing too fast. I'm running distilled water with Petra's PT nuke for coolant as I trust the advice of the above to threads.

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Hey everyone, thanks for all of your help and suggestions. After doing a lot of research and following up with everyone’s suggestions, I have compiled the following update list. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on parts where I have questions, suggestions to knock out some price, and where I might be over/underestimating. I am going to keep the Antec 1200, it is the model I have been studying most and I know it can be used for what I need. Again, thank you for all of your help you guys are helping me out tons.


John's **Updated** Computer Checklist - $2125


Main Components: $1550


Processor: $280


Edited by jcichetti

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I am no watercooling expert, neither have I ever had a watercooled rig, but AquagraFX is a very common brand here in Germany, a name that is generally trusted when it comes to cooling video cards. I'd have no problem getting one!


Other than that, the rig looks good, no need for 1000 Watts of power :)

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AquagraFX is a very common brand here in Germany, a name that is generally trusted when it comes to cooling video cards. I'd have no problem getting one!


There is some company in europe(?) that a lot of folks are boycotting for something to do with Copyrights, or patents or something. Was it Aquatuning or something like that? I think they were just a retailer, but they were registering the trademarks for many US companies over seas, to try to keep any competitors from selling those same brands?


EDIT: Not to insinuate AquagraFX is related in any way to Aquatuning, was a quote to merely direct the question towards someone from that general area of the planet.

Edited by Bigfwd69

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Yea, that was Aquatuning, I posted a news article about that ages ago. They are just a retailer though and they got a whole buttload of trouble for that, meaning their sales significantly dropped, so badly that they almost had to close the store AFAIK.

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