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Wish Me Good Luck With The 3.2ee


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intel yuck that thing deserves to get fried. lol. jk. then u'd lose ur money, but if u didn't pay for it i would hope it got fried.

you must not use my name to insult a good processor :P


Nice Processors/OCs road-runner and dino-new. Wanna trade?

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Hey roadrunner. I just got my cpu pelt stuff and installed it. Everything is working great, but I've got some concerns with mine. The twin pelts seem to heat up my system water too much and it causes the temps to rise to high on the vid and cpu. I'm going to replace my swiftech pump with a Eheim 1262 900gpm pump and split the lines in parallel going to the GPU and CPU pelts. I also orderd some 4000rpm 120mm fans for my rad. Hopefully that will cool my water back down.


Question, does more rapid flow cause better heat dissipation? I know that turbulance is good for water blocks and radiators to help cause heat transfer. Maybe a faster rate is better. Anyway, it's a dang big pump, going to have to add it to the stuff mounted on the side. Pretty soon my case is going to tilt. :lol:


I can run my system at 4ghz. it runs great, but if the cpu temp gets up to 16c or so then it crashes and hangs. Maybe that's the same as yours too? My goal is to keep it below 16c and the vid below 6c. I'll let you know how it turns out.


Anyway, my cpu runs idle at below 0c. The vid used to run idle at below 0c but now that it's inline after the cpu pelt it idles at 6c.


Good job on the system. You've really done great work!




P.S. here's my cpuid...



Dino I am having cooling problems my self well not big problems yet, but that one CPU pelt 226 watts I have which you have the same one puts out some heat I can imagine you are having cooling problems with one on the GPU also you saw my radiator with the 8-80mm thermal take 4800rpm there all on high, the 2 fans in the main case are on high, the 3 that cool the koolance radiator are on high and the ehium 1250, the pelt puts out some heat. Running 2 versions of folding 24/7 my temps are 30c to 31c and let me tell you it heats up the room, now idle CPU is -1c to 3c. To answer your question I am not sure exactly what kind of system it is going to take to cool the things (i hate to think about what happens if the pelt goes out toast CPU) I went and bought a 1900 gph pump that has 2-1 1/4" discharge lines and 2 more heater cores and I bought a small refrigerator, I am going to try sealing everything up just like you have to do for the pelt but go another step farther and seal the cooling block completely and isulate the water lines and try very cold water as in freezing with anti freeze in it, as far as the circulating that goes back to a post somewhere I made before, in cars if you take the thermostat out it will either run hot or cold depends on how fast the water is flowing and the size of the radiator, if you keep circulating water at a certain speed for so long the water is going to a certain temperature and stay there unless you have some way to restrict the flow or increase the flow whichever it takes for the water to have time to cool off in the radiator, that is why cars have thermostats to slow the flow down in the summer so that it has time to cool in the radiator, in the winter it slows it down so it can heat up so that you heater will work. So I have an overkill 1900 GPH pump a total of 3 heater cores valves to regulate the flow and numerous fans and a small refigerator and I am fixing to experiment with it.

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