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Blue Screen after returning to stock speeds and cleared CMOS

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Ok so I guess I'll start out by giving a bit of prior history and computer info.


AMD Phenom II X3 720

Gigabyte GA-MA790FXT-UD5P

4GB A-Data 1333MHz DDR3 Ram



Ok, so I was tweaking a bit seeing if it was possible to reach 3.8GHz and beyond stable since temps were well within reason. I have had it running at 3.718GHz, 1.45V, 201 FSB, 18.5X, 100% stable for almost a month. When it was at 3.7GHz it was tested with Prime95 for 12hrs and SETI@home for another 12hrs. Even after 12hrs it didn't surpass 50C. The processor is rated to go up to 73C so it's fine.


As I was stepping the speeds from the BIOS, bumping FSB slowly and if a hiccup popped up gave it a tad more voltage. I got the blue screen a couple times and I pretty much gave up with no luck at 3.8GHz even with the max voltage of 1.55. The processor really seems to hate a 19X multiplier, absolutely nothing worked with a 19X multiplier. I might add that I was booting into Windows 7 (also this is interesting, just thought of it. After having a month of stability at 3.7GHz in XP. I put Windows 7 on the second HDD and it crashed (blue screen) quite soon after)

So with no luck I just threw it at 3.5GHz w/ 1.4V. Strangely I got a blue screen time to time.


Now i've loaded Fail-Safe defaults in the BIOS and cleared the CMOS.


I might also add the new NVIDIA drivers really suck. Everytime I boot up XP the fan doesn't even turn on, so I have to go in manually to the device settings and turn it on. Every single time I boot up even though it asked me if I want to load options upon next boot, but it never does. Those damn setting almost killed my card too!! I set the fan 40% which never over heats for games and while my friend was playing COD4 and I was watching I heard the graphics card fan kick in to 100% every so often...strange...I investigate to find out the fan turned itself off and the GPU was at a blistering 105C!!! :huh: Luckily I caught it when I did or I would have been out a good $500. Pretty crappy of NVIDIA to release drivers that don't work. YES, i've reinstalled the drivers.

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so after looking into the problem a bit, I found that this could possibly be a graphics issue. I ran Prime95 for about 20min expecting it to crash immediately, but it didn't nor did it find any immediate errors. I get BSOD/ blue screen if I try to load any games. Seconds after I click to open the game it BSODs. I'll keep testing but if you have input do tell.

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Check your memory voltages and run memtest86+




When I loaded the fail-safe defaults in BIOS it reset all voltages to normal. Also checked CPU-Z, good.

Ran Memtest86+ with no errors


Also found out that the computer works perfectly fine while using Windows 7.


I wonder what the hell happened to XP for it freak out like that...

Edited by volks1470

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Its a sign from God, no computer should EVER be running at stock! :lol:


What are your voltages at? Try bumping them up a little bit.


That is true, but nonetheless I shouldn't have to bump up voltages to run at a stock speed.


I don't know if I wrote this down here but, only loading games crashed. Prime95 ran for a good 20min with no hangups.


I installed earlier Nvidia drivers (182.5) that I knew worked, but that still didn't help.

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If you have another card throw it in and see what happens. If it still happens its something else obviously. But that will help you narrow down the issue. Do you have an onboard you could try?

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