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hello. i have this ATI 4850 POWERCOLOR video card. when i purchased, the specs were 625 core speed (i think) specs in catalyst say its 500 (look below). why is it lower than its supposed to be?


also i wana switch that small cheap heatsink, to something better, and i will need help which to buy. and i will need help on overclocking this card, to its maximum capabilities, and/or flashing the card.

PLEASE HELP :thumbs-up:




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i'm pretty sure 500x750 are base settings and 625x993 is standard driver setting....according to the screen shot you're overclocked to 670x1100 which is decent for that video card...you can probably get this card up even higher using the auto tune function....i'm able to run the 4850x2 @ 690x1185 and play farcry2, crysis or whatever all nite long...


btw it looks like manual fan control hasn't been enabled yet and that's something you may want to do before you overclock your video card much......the stock driver setting is 50%....i personally feel comfortable at 75-100%.....gnite....cya tommorrow........cj ;)

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What's occurring there is supposed to happen. It is running in 2d mode because you're not playing any games. When you open a game or 3d application it will bump the speeds up to what you have your overclock set to. It does this to conserve energy and reduce heat. If you Alt+tab out of a game and look at it real quick you will see that it bumps the speeds up in games.


Edit: oh yea, and you'll really want to turn that fan up quite a bit. It may be loud but your card is really hot just to be idling. My card is idling at 50C at 50% fan speed and it's really hot in my house. Yours is at 12% and is being cooked. Enable manual fan control and bump that up some.

Edited by malmsteenisgod

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i have my fan att 100% ( i have music on, so i cant even hear my fan :P ) do the setting jump to what i have set as soon as the 3D application starts? or when ever it needs in the game?

is there a way to have those custom overclocked setting be on all the time?



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i have my fan att 100% ( i have music on, so i cant even hear my fan :P ) do the setting jump to what i have set as soon as the 3D application starts? or when ever it needs in the game?

is there a way to have those custom overclocked setting be on all the time?





yes they jump when your 3d app starts...


why would you want to have your card run at high settings when you dont need it.. thats like leaving your car full throttle when you are sleeping

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  • 2 weeks later...

thats more like it....


what cooler did you get....


My 4850X2 idle at 45c and games at 60c at the stock fan profile....it's never went over 63c and 24% on the fan...


even my single 4850s are cool running....

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