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P6T Deluex V2 overclock

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Hi i have P6T Deluxe V2, GTX 260, 12GB OCZ PC16000 2000MHz, Coolmaster V8 Cooling, 750W power supply, when i try to set overclock in my BIOS setting BCLK Freq. 195, DDR3-1563Mhz, when i try to boot into my windows xp 64-bit it fine until i start playing game or watchin movies the system just crash did i do something wrong?

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Hi i have P6T Deluxe V2, GTX 260, 12GB OCZ PC16000 2000MHz, Coolmaster V8 Cooling, 750W power supply, when i try to set overclock in my BIOS setting BCLK Freq. 195, DDR3-1563Mhz, when i try to boot into my windows xp 64-bit it fine until i start playing game or watchin movies the system just crash did i do something wrong?


Whats your voltage set at?


Have you load tested that overclock? (aka OCCT or iprime)


Chances are it is either too low voltage or the clock is unstable.

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What multi are you using?


If it's 20 3.9GHz is a pretty hefty clock to start at.


Restore defaults and only increase the BSCLK by increments of 5. Once you reach instability, and you should before getting to 3.9GHz you'll need to start upping the voltage.


You may also need to lower the multi a notch in order to get that high of a clock.

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If I were you, I would drop the V2 BIOS and load the 1403 V1 BIOS. The V2 still doesn't have a mature enough BIOS to use for really stable overclocking. It often sets voltages way too high and I've noticed it doesn't do well with the 20x multi.


Before you flash the BIOS though, it seems that you need a better understanding of how overclocking works and how to spot instability. I would read some of the guides stickied at the top. They will help you immensely :)

Edited by Nuclear

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i can only get 3200Mhz no more am i doing something wrong


any help


I can tell from pictures that you have your QPI and DRAM voltages are set to auto...and they are way too high. I don't know anything about your RAM because its not listed, but I would drop your RAM divider and run a lower speed for now.


1. Manually set your QPI and DRAM voltages. They are way too high and if you're running on air you're dangerously close to damaging some hardware. Set your QPI to no higher than 1.35v and DRAM to 1.60-1.66v.


2. Drop your RAM divider and uncore frequency. Try running your RAM at ~1600MHz and your uncore at 3200-3400MHz.


3. Leave the CPU vcore

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