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NH-U12P or V10?

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I just finished watching 3DGAMEMAN's video review of the CM V10, and I was pretty impressed.

He overclocked his i7 920 to 4GHz (1.3V) and his maximum temperature was 66 degrees.

The only trade off is that the V10 is massive and kind of loud.


Now that I've watched the video and read a few reviews, I'm not sure which one to get; the NH-U12P or V10

Any recommendations?

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The Noctua and the T.R.U.E. are very close. Personally I'd pick whatever is a better price (there isn't that much difference in high end air cooling), if you want better, look at a custom water cooling kit (from petra's, etc).


If you go with the Noctua U12P, you won't have to lap it, like you would with a T.R.U.E. Sooner or later I'll lap mine...too many other things to do ATM. :)

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except for the noise, the v10 seems like quite a cooler...thought about getting it actually for a possible future phenom ll 940 build. if you're not worried about noise and don't upgrade ram often (as it's quite large), it's probably a nice choice. may be one of those looks better than performs deal though, not sure... the hardware has a nice build.


as far as the noctua nh-u12p goes, it looks quite nice too.


have you seen



it may be a bit heavy, but besides that...perhaps it's excellent. do you already have this cooler? if so, why not just stick with it.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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Nope, I don't have it yet.

Currently I have a CoolerMaster V8, which I'm moderately happy with

I have an E8400 @ 4.2 GHz, and it maxes at around 75 degrees

I'm planning to build a new computer soon though.


And yeah, I've seen that review

It seems like an awesome cooler.

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