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still clocking

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After reading some of the spec's some of you have used for the 940, i did get to 3.6ghz. tweaked the video cards alittle in ccc , lets see if i can post the results, havent figured out how to do that for sure, but here goes, lol. i downloaded cpu-z from majorgeeks.com. ran 3dmark and hit p9252,gpu hit 8561 and cpu hit 12205, going to run it again , then tinker around, i did try to increase the vcore to 1.5 and mult to 1850, got cpu to record it but when i tried to run 3d, got a blue screen and rebooted, so i lowered back to 3.6 and its running smooth.checked with pc probe, cpu temp is at 37C and mother board is at 35C so i guess iam running fairly cool. cant seem to get a stable 3.7, but iam only playing with the multi and voltage, i have heard that you cant go over 1.5 on cpu voltage, so ill have to see what all of you are doing to get past the 3.7 mark, happy clocking, see ya later on. cant seem to copy result of cpu-z, says iam not allowed to, any tips on that? thanks again.

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You could take a screenshot and simply upload it using imageshack or photobucket. You can also validate it by clicking on the "About" tab saving it as a .cvf file then submitting it through the website provided in the tab.


You should take a look at this thread to get some ideas. AJMatson says the 940 has a max voltage of 1.55V so if temperatures are adequate you could still have some tweaking left in her.

Good Luck!

Edited by damian

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thanks for the info, i did use the tab on my last run, and saved it as a cvf file, tried to use the browse and upload to post to reply, but it said it was unable to load file. i must be doing something wrong. yep, my temps are staying fairly low, havent reached 42C yet, but iam not sure i am getting correct temps, since i run pc probe right after the 3dmark test. and thanks for the link, ill check it out, see ya later.

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hey, thanks damian, i worked on the system alittle more, got to 3.7 and ran several test for about 2 hours. went to tweak the video cards some, and boom, had to reset the sytem. i have it set at 3.6 running smooth now, ill try to post a copy of cpu-z, lets see if it worked, lol


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Looking at the screenshots it appears you are running your NB and HT underclocked. You do not need to touch the NB voltages at those speeds and the only thing you would be doing is increasing your heat. Running a lower HT and NB speed normally allows for a higher core clock but you sacrifice some memory bandwidth. Some people will find that they gain more performance from upping the NB speeds vs. gaining an extra 100MHz on the cores. The only way you'll know is if you run some benchmarks to see which works better for you or which you prefer.


Looks goo so far though.


BTW: The 940 chips can take more than 1.55v, even on air cooling. I've run up to 1.625v on some of mine and they are still running great. The biggest thing is to keep your loaded temps under 60C, anything over that and the newer 45nm chips get a little fussy.

Edited by Nuclear

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Hey Baulten, you are correct, i downloaded Hwmonitor, while running 3dmark vantage while it changed from test to test, i could see the temps registered on cpuid. the highest it hit was 51C but both of my vid cards got in the 70's. i used rivatuner to increase fan speeds but didnt run another test last night. thanks again for the recommendation. now to tackle the heat, or is that a fair level for the cores? cpu cooler is the ultra-120 with noctua nf-p12 fan, but i didnt use the paste that came with it, i did alittle internet check on spec's and found MX-2 had slightly better cooling quality's so i used that. ill test "The Chill Factor paste to see if there is any differnce and let ya know, any little bit of cooling seams to help.



thanks for the info Nuclear. ive been able to hit 18.50 with vcore increases from 1.46 to 1.50. now when i select 19.0 with either vore settings and try to boot up, it wont boot into windows. do you think a vcore increase would help with that , or adjusting something else in the bios? i would like to hit a stable 3.8 or 4.0 just to see what this will do. very interesting so far, ive made tons of notes, and recorded results of each change. next thing ill adjust for best performance is the two 3870's. riva tuner workes better then ccc. i havent flashed the bios on either video card. later on, ill get a few of the 4870 cards and up my p/s so it will handle them. this build never stops, lol. see ya all later on, have fun, and thanks again.

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hey guys, just finished another run, used Hwmonitor to check temps and ran 3d vantage, ill post the results, let me know what ya think. ill try alittle higher vcore later on this evening and if it doesnt go up in smoke, lol, ill post results. thanks again for all your suggestions. maybe this information will help some of you . see ya later on!!


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i ran a few test last nite with the nb set at either 1.6,1.8 and 2.0. i ran a super pi test to see which setting ran faster. at 1.6 my system completed the test 4 seconds faster running the 1M test. i got to the 3.8 mark while running the test. after about 2 hours it was time to call it a night. ill post some of the screen shots.






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