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Hello All Fng Here


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Hello, i'm new to your forums here, i used to be on the hardforums quite a bit, a few years ago. but i i figured i'd introduce myself and show off a couple pix of my main rig. anwyay sorry about the dark and low rez pix, my girlfriend is sleeping so i can't turn the lights on, i'll dig out the digi cam after she wakes up and will have better pix later on today. I've been in the pc industry for over 10 years, used to run a computer repair shop, started with water cooling on my old celeron 333 machine, used the same water setup all the way up to my former main rig, and athlon xp @2200. Right now my new rig, built less than a week ago, is a AMD Phenom II 940 BE, 4gb ram, 1.2tb raid 0 array. and currently using onboard geforce 8 graphics(i know it sucks, but it was a major step up from my old geforce 4).


The last one was me having some fun with Fire Paint.






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Here is my setup with the higher quality pix.




Here's a side shot with the flash on, give you a better idea of what's inside.



Sideshot flash off.



And the front.



And here's one right after i finished painting the case while it was still disassembled, with my old hardware in it.


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Ha! found this pic of my old watercooling setup. its amazing how wreckless i used to be, no hose clamps, nothing but zip ties and a metal strap holding the water block on (btw those zip ties are tied directly to the zif socket), unmatched memory modules. Plus check out those coolant hoses, stole them off an old massaging shower head! wow. anybody else do something like this?


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