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Anyone Help Me With Old Cpu


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I got a Pentium 4 520 Prescott (yea i'm old school)


I followed that C2D and C2Q guide that is stickied and I learnt a lot.


The normal speed of the CPU is 2.8ghz - 200 X 14


The motherboard is P5GD1 PRO and it only supports up to DDR400 RAM. So divide 400 by 2 is your maximum FSB speed right?


I got my CPU to 3.05ghz without changing the vcore and it runs at the same temperature that it does when it's at 2.8ghz


The FSB is 218 and the multiplier is locked at 14.


I found out that the max FSB i can achieve is 218 i can't get any higher, i can't get 219... Does anyone know why?


Other info:


Memory - 2.6V

PCIE - 1.5V


and my DRAM frequency is 178.4mhz and my FSB:DRAM is 5:4



Am i doing things right? How can i achieve a better clock


thanks in advance!

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It's entirely possible your motherboard just isn't stable at higher FSB speeds. To test this you can relax your memory speeds to well within safe limits and reduce the CPU multiplier as well. If the motherboard still won't stay stable at a higher FSB you've simply hit the limit of the board.

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I keep going up by 2 and i'm at 250 FSB same vcore at 3.5ghz


How far do you think i can go? without changing the vcore because i got stock fan+ heatsink

Edited by jgv115

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ok i can't go any further than 251.


even with a raised vcore. anyone know why?

I'm glad you are having some success clocking your hardware. The only way to "know why" is by sitting in front of your pc and testing it,which is something only you can do. Hardware behaves different inside different pc's even though it is the same outside of a pc. You are the only one who can figure out why, all we can do is offer suggestions and would be guessing at best. Good luck.

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I know they make prescotts that are 3.2ghz from factory so I'm not surprised you haven't had to raise the vcore yet, and techically since your fsb is higher, your prescott is faster than the stock 3.2's haha. Good work so far

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