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Overclocking Troubles


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I quite recently got into overclocking, as I wanted to do more gaming, and as I have an E2180 (which I found on forums to be very overclockable). I managed to get it to 2.5Ghz with stock cooling and the original volts (after getting a new fan it went to 2.66Ghz). Later on, I got a new graphics card - a Palit HD4850 (the one with the big heatsink) - and I found that it limited the CPU frequency to just above 2.2Ghz. This was with a 450W power supply (which is what it recommended for the card on the ati website). I upgraded the power supply to a 650W and I got the exact same problem - the CPU frequency still doesn't go above around 2.2Ghz. I would have thought that it would've made no difference whether the graphics card was there or not with the CPU at 2.66Ghz when I got a more powerful power supply.


Sorry for the long post.

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It would seem to me that there's more to this story. The video card should not affect your OC at all unless you have a weak power supply that can't handle running both. What KIND of 650W did you get?

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Verran is right, but there may be another reason.

Did you set the PCI-Express bus frequency to 100MHz, or did you leave it on auto?

Leaving it on auto is a big nono, because then it will incease along with you FSB, limiting your overclock.

Edited by hojin994

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It would seem to me that there's more to this story. The video card should not affect your OC at all unless you have a weak power supply that can't handle running both. What KIND of 650W did you get?


Its an Atrix 650T from dabs. And I left the PCIE frequency at 100Mhz.

Edited by cali101

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Its an Atrix 650T from dabs. And I left the PCIE frequency at 100Mhz.




I have tested an Atrix power supply here on OCC. Not the best!


....and the Atrix 650T is only 16A on the single 12V rail! (Your graphics card will need 10A when working hard).


I would suggest a replacement as soon as possible. If you aren't sure then ask for help. ;)





Edited by paulktreg

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I have tested an Atrix power supply here on OCC. Not the best!


....and the Atrix 650T is only 16A on the single 12V rail! (Your graphics card will need 10A when working hard).


I would suggest a replacement as soon as possible. If you aren't sure then ask for help. ;)







How many amps would you suggest then??? I did hear that the 4850 is a card that needs a lot of power.


Thanks for the help by the way people!

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Verran is right, but there may be another reason.

Did you set the PCI-Express bus frequency to 100MHz, or did you leave it on auto?

Leaving it on auto is a big nono, because then it will incease along with you FSB, limiting your overclock.

I have never had this be an issue for me. The only way I see this happening is if you use a proprietary software OC suite that does OCs by percentage. Then maybe it would OC the PCIe bus without your knowledge. I have never seen a board that will OC the PCIe when you raise the FSB. Maybe on low-end boards? I don't know...

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I have never had this be an issue for me. The only way I see this happening is if you use a proprietary software OC suite that does OCs by percentage. Then maybe it would OC the PCIe bus without your knowledge. I have never seen a board that will OC the PCIe when you raise the FSB. Maybe on low-end boards? I don't know...



Well thanks for the help, and I'll save up some money to get a PSU with a higher ampage.



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Hi cali101,


If you can post some pics of your Bios settings and temps (under load or OCCT graphs) that would be very helpful.


Without those it's just kinda poke and hope.


Also what PSU did you get?

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Here's the OCCT ones, taken over 1 hour, can't find my card reader for my camera though so i'll get the BIOS settings to you later...


and it's a:- CIT 600UB





Edited by cali101

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