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Please Help...set Fsb Ruined Everything!!!


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setfsb ruined everything!!!

hello friends...this is very urgent...please help..

i am using gigabyte ga-945gm-s2 motherboard.yesterday i tried my hands on overclocking after reading this article from tomshardware Roundup: The Best Overclocking Software : Introduction.i am still a newbie to this.i downloaded setfsb and without knowing anything about pll version i messed up my default motherboard frequencies i.e, with other motherboard's pll version.now the problem is iam using c2d e6600 and its one core is running at 2.4ghz and the other is running at 1.53ghz.i am going completely mad at this..i tried everything like clearing the cmos and updating the bios to the latest version, but nothing worked.then i opened my case checked out my pll version and noted it down, the most intresting part was the pll version of my board was the same as that of the picture given in the article's motherboard one i.e, ics954201BFLF.. then again i booted up my machine and ran setfsb to select the closest matching pll version and that was ics954201BGLF but what the hell...nothing happened after selecting too many frequencies of FSB/DDR/PCI.either my pc hanged or it started again by reebooting it but still with the same problem i.e one core @2.4ghz and other at 1.53ghz.i am wondering why people like tomshardware adviced to overclock your cpu with setfsb in the article even if your motherboard is not compatible with setfsb also the example of the motherboard they used has the same pll version as mine!!i am badly stucked here...do any one has some idea for what i should do to get my both cores of e6600 run at 2.4ghz...my pll version is ics954201BFLF.i dont know anything about how to use set fsb...if somebody knows please guide me and also tell me how to post the screenshots in the thread so that to have a better idea about my problem.i have no option but to purchase a new motherboard because of this.also i checked all option in bios which throttles down the cpu i.e, speedstep and all..i disabled everything in the bios which reduces the cpu core frequency but nothing happened.it is definately not the problem of speedstep because before using setfsb both cores were working fine @2.4ghz even with the particular option enabled in the bios which reduces the core frequecy to save power.everything was going fine till i used setfsb and i wish i could never have used it.also i think it happened because of my motherboard support only 1066mhz fsb like c2d e6600 does and i tried to increase my fsb speed with a wrong pll version selected in set fsb.if my motherboard supported 1333 fsb it could never have happened but iam not sure about this cause i have no idea how to use set fsb i am going mad at this and i will never touch setfsb... :angry:

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sorry guys...but what exactly i should do to make this thing look easy to read...?


please break things up into paragraphs a few sentences long...change paragraphs when starting a new sub-topic.


you can edit your first post by clicking edit in the post box, then you can change things up as you like.


that one long paragraph can be difficult on the eyes and looks all jumbled up.


also, most folks may not be interested in reading such a long post...perhaps making it short and to the point would be helpful.


just a few nice suggestions, i can't say i've ever run across such a thing in a forum before :)



have you reset your bios to correct the problem? i think that before you do anything else you should reset the bios and get everything back to default settings. you should have a reset cmos switch on the motherboard, but if not then taking the motherboard battery out for a few minutes should reset things back to default.


after this maybe somebody can get you on the right track ;)



edit: wait a moment...is that software you're using? i think if you have installed software to overclock that you should uninstall the software...this should then fix any current problem. then let somebody help you overclock in the bios. if indeed this is a software program you have used to attempt overclocking, please ignore what i typed above to reset cmos for correcting any problem.

Edited by Maj0r Gamer

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If you used software to overclock, boot into safe mode and uninstall everything or reinstall and set it to the default clock then uninstall. I couldnt really understand what you were trying to say from your post.

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