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Prime95 Error Running At Stock


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Hi all !!!

I build my rig using the guide in my signature (How to successfully build a computer) and some user's recommendations.

I've got my rig running at stock now.

I ran prime95 v25.7 and after 9 hours it was cancelled by error in calc.

I read the stress.txt file but i'dont know how to continue.


Thx in advance.

Edited by yunta

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on those are you actively cooling the ram? even if the ram is fine with the volts and the timings it will error out if heat become a factor...


if you arent than put a fan on the ram and run Prime for a while and actually feel the sticks to make sure they are cool...


over heating them during prime runs can ruin them pretty quick...you need to make sure they are cool....you can also try running memtest (#5 and #8) and see if you get any errors there too...if you do you may need to bump the volts to 2.6v or in some cases if it errors more with more volts back it off...to 2.4v


I would start there...;)

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Hi dr_bowtie, both stick have a cooper heatsink, i'll try with a fan and change voltage. checking the ram's temperature.

I ran memtest test #5 and #8 ten times and all the test for 3 hours and don't have any error.

Hi kingdingling , thx to both for the quicky answer !!!


Question: my rig will run more stable or i'll have best results if i change my actually 2x512 sticks Corsair value select for one Corsair XMS (black heatsink) 1gb ?

Edited by yunta

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u sure your ram is just not bad?i remember when i had ram problems on stock it would error every time and even on my stable oc it would error,i ran memtest and i found a crap load of ram errors,i suggest you do the same to see if yuou have bad ram

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Yes !!!, 50 hours of Prime95 without errors !!!

I set the DRAM voltage in 2.7 and now run stable.

Thx a lot to all the people that help me.

Now i'll try to overclock my rig.

Any comment about guides will be appreciatted.

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