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Finally Cracked 4.7ghz On My E8400 (air)

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Ok guys,


Well this really need no intro: E8400 @ 4.7ghz running on a Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme


CPU-Z validation is here: http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=449069


I forgot to take a pictures of the temps but here is a picture when the processor was running at 4.67ghz to give you an idea: http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c11/smak...57/untitled.jpg


Ambient room temp was -2.5c (was outside on a cold night)


I also managed to get my 4870's to Core: 855 and Mem: 1100


@ 4.6ghz i managed to gain a 3Dmark 06 score of 23063



unfortunately i couldn't get my 4.7ghz stable enough to run 3dmark which was a disappointment but i am quite impressed with my results!



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Yeah only problem is that you're freezing too.:lol:


No way, im warm and cozy in front of my fire, i have the PC outside and all the cords running through the window, right now im benching my Q9450 in -7.5c lol. But i cant get it any faster than when its inside.


I think my Q9450 was a dud i can only get it to 3.68ghz, it doesn't matter if i'm inside with +20c or outside with -7.5 i cant go any higher such a shame.


But the E8400 was a winner i couldnt be happier lol maybe i shoudl have benched that one today with -7.5c maybe i could have gotten 4.8ghz....hmm pitty its 23:30 here otherwise i would do it. But work calls tomorrow and money makes the world go around.


I live in norway by the way.

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