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Limit Of Core 2 Duo E7200 On Stock Cooling!


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So I just built a new system with this processor, and I'm wondering how far I can push it just with the stock cooler and not going past around 1.39v. I was hoping to get up to around 3.2GHz from the 2.53GHz stock speed. I'm no n00b to overclocking, and I'm hoping to upgrade my stock cooler soon, but I'd like a performance boost NOW! Haha anyone have any experiences with this processor? Only reason I haven't tried it myself so far is the fact my damn power supply is still shipping to me and taking forever. Thanks in advance!

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Probably 3 to 3.2GHz. It wouldn't be the limit but it would be in terms of stability. At 1.4V using the stock cooler is just a no go, and temps would be at about 80C + . With aftermarket coolers the most i would go is 1.42V

When you do have a good cooler and if you really want to push it or bench, most E7200's top out at or around 4.5GHz on air of course.

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