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Trouble Overclocking Amd 64 X2 5200+


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Recently tried to overclock my cpu small increments at a time and it worked until i got my Bus speed up to 209 MHz and anything above 210 MHz before it loads windows it stops and says


"Warning! Now System is in safe mode

Please re-setting cpu frequency in cmos setup"


in that exact wording...


Tried raising the voltage and lowering the multiplier but no luck.

My motherboard is a BIOSTAR TF7025-M2


Any Ideas?



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Ok so friend and I found a chart and figured it out I had to manually set the ram speed because at the current overclock it was trying to force my ram to run faster than it should be.


HT is at x4 i believe


now its just trying to find a stable voltage.


here is what I currently am at.


Core Voltage: 1.392 V

CoreSpeed : 3000.0 MHz

Multiplier: x 12.0

Bus Speed 250.0 MHz

HT Link: 1000.0 MHz

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Oops I'm sorry i mean the HT Multiplier not the HT Link.

Anyways what are your system specs? Motherbaord, cooler, ram? power supply? ect.


Second if you have say DDR2 800 ram speeds you should be fine with a low FSB. With AMD you depend more on the multiplier that way there is less stress on your ram when you have to "up" the voltages.

So just find a stable setting of a high multiplier and a low FSB. From there tweak the voltages.

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Isn't the default multiplier on the 5200 13.5? I have been tweaking mine too and that is what it was defaulted at. I have mine at 232 x 13.5 on stock cooling/voltage 36c at load. Testing her for a while till I take up the FSB more. Should I too be lowering my multi and try to max out the fsb?

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I have found a few pages that tell me my battery on the motherboard is dead, does that make any sense at all. I am pretty much at a loss of what to do here...



not hwo to change the battery, but what is going on with my system, and why it is putting a stupid cap on the FSB at 209 MHz

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With any Brisbane core CPU you need to tweak the secondary ram timings to get the fsb to scale....


TRFC is the ram slot frequency and that is the 1st place to start...on any Build I do I put it tight at 75 on stock only builds...


even if you bump the bus a little the slot frequency should be set at 105 for each slot populated...the higher the clock the looser it needs to be...I dont go past 112 as there is no need to...


TRC also should be set to 24-26 as 26 works the best but most board only go to the loosest of 24


these 2 settings alone will get you up to 300fsb with ease leaving the others on Auto on most boards


also the Brisbane cores prefer HT speeds around 1200HT when overclocked...so if you have instability and you are less than that bump it up...

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