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Ocing The 1700 Palomino


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I read here in the forums somewhere what to look for in the 1700 palomino to determine its ocing possibilities. I think it was relating to the v-core..Can anyone help? :withstupid:

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To start off with, you won't get much out of the palomino since it was the last .18 micron chip amd made. But every little bit counts, right? Anyway, you'll have to push the vcore really high (ie 1.8V +) to get the most of of them, and as such you also need very good cooling. I'd expect realistically to get 1.8Ghz, maybe a little higher with really good cooling.

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Right about the 2100+ area is what you are looking at, that is when the core reached it's speed limits. My pally 1800+ is on a better OCing board but at 1.7V (stock for a pally) you can get 1834 out of it stable (11.5 x 159), but 2more on the FSB and it won't even post. Kinda funny how that works. I think if you have 2700 RAM or slacken the timing enough on 2100 you can get the same FSB, 11 x 159 = 1750. At that point you run into the problem of 1) chipset can't take it 2) core can't be pushed that far.

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i used to have a xp1800 Pali that i got up to 1650mhz... but it was HOT, and that was w/ a Volcano6Cu. either way, i found an igorant friend to trade me his xp1700 Tbred-A for my xp1800 Pali... now the same system runs @ 1800mhz w/ about 10 deg less.

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I couldn't get my 2000+ over 1.8ghz, not matter what I did. Then I bought some 1700+'s from newegg when they had them for $40. I was lucky enough to get 2 JIUHB's...that solved my OC problem..... :)

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JIUHB is that infamous stepping of 1700+ tbreds that were downgraded from 2500+ ratings...they are without a doubt the best overclocking tbreds out there. They run 200fsb without a sweat, and can usually push up to like 2.2ghz (from 1.47Ghz stock) even on stock voltage, and 2.4ghz+ on high voltages. I wish I had one.

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