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Matx Overclocking Help

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Hello everyone,


I'm looking for some advice on what to do with my mAtx rig. I'm seeing some very odd behavior with it.



Abit I-N73HD

Intel E8500

2x 2048 G. skill 1066

2x 500GB HD's

Visiontek Radeon HD 4870 (790/1100)

Corsair 620HX power supply

Windows XP Pro Sp3

Silverstone Sugo SG01B-F




Here is the story:

I had it clocked rock solid stable @ 3.6ghz on 1.25v. Today I was messing around with it trying to get up to 3.8ghz. I started running into weird behavior @ 3.7ghz. I increased the cpu voltage to 1.3v and increased the CPU VTT to 1.17 (from 1.10), and I also bumped up the NB voltage a little. Got it to boot into windows like this. I ran orthos for 2 hours and did 3dmark. I decided to try and go a little further. I shutdown the computer, and turned it back on. It doesn't post. I clear it out and start again. Get it to post again at 3.7 again, ran orthos for 16 hours this time and ran 3dmark a few times. Shutdown, and it doesn't post again!


Now it can run perfectly stable once its up and running, so what could be preventing it from posting? Its really annoying knowing that I have a stable clock and then when I shutdown it doesn't even post anymore. Sometimes if I just power it off and try again it will post, about 3/10 times it will post and then run perfectly stable. Anyone got any good ideas for me? This motherboard is annoying me, and I'm not sure to do with it. I would really appreciate any advice anyone has for me, thanks for your time.

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what is your NB voltage set to? i ran into problems OCing my e8400 past 3.7, just like you said, rock solid at 3.6, and anything past that was finicky. i had to increase my NB voltage to just over 1.36v to get past that 3.6/3.7 mark, and i upped it to 1.38/1.4 to get 3.8GHz.

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hmm, that definitely is high enough... i do know that sometimes, even with a rock solid OC mine actually posts twice, once that fails and then it reboots itself and runs fine. and i do know that my mobo has a feature that i don't have to clear the CMOS if i fail a post, it just runs at stock when i reset. it may be that yours is trying to do the double post thing and just not completing it. what do you do when it fails to post? power down and then back up? reset? pop out battery?

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I am going to go out on a limb here....either 2 things is happening....a memory timing is off or you are hitting the limit of the PSU...?


I have a 520w corsair on mine with less and I get sort of the same behavior....when i switch it over to my 750watt test unit I sail right passed the block I seen prior...


try playing with the ram and see if that helps...


EDIT: I should rule out the power supply...I ran your rig through the corsair PSU estimate'r (in the represented section) and with your card clocked and the CPU it shows a 450w and 520w PSU is fine....so it's something other than that....

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That's definitely not hitting the limit of 620W!


What other voltages can you set in the BIOS?


My bios has the following voltage options:


cpu voltage 1.2v-1.6v

Ram voltage 1.8v-2.5v

cpu VTT voltage 1.1v-1.31v

NB voltage 1.36v-1.87v

CPU GTLREF voltage 61.5%,63%,65%,67%


Thats all I got.

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