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Overclocking E6750


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edit: i just realized this is in the wrong forum, opps...


so i got a new cooler the other day ZEROtherm BTF90 and after one RMA and a hammer i got my cooler working. this thing is awesome im getting 3c above room temp idle at stock and for once my OC worked again (these gigbyte boards are stupid sometimes) so i have my vcore at 1.29(which is stock) at 3.2ghz (stable with prime) how far up do you think i can go before i need up the vcore and what about the northchip, i can up the voltage on that but i sure dont know what is stock or what im doing.


so here my quick questions in a row:


1. how far can these chips go on air.

2. should 1.33 be next?

3. how many years would it last highly oced

4. what about northchip(i cant think of the name at 2am) vcore>

5. would putting CE1 on be bad because i kinda like the lower clock when i leave it idle.

6. i have my memory oced to 960 but these can go to 1066. is it okay to leave it on a lower speed with the high voltage (2.1v for 1066 or 4-4-4-15 800)


my current temps are 37c (ambient 35).




i did this before with my stock cooler but was stupid and left everything on auto which gave me 1.44vcore..


edit: now i upped it again to make an even 1066 (fsb 444)

temps are 40c. the Rated FSB goes up and down by 1 or so, is that bad?




update: i hit 500fsb

Cpu-z Vaild



i hit 533 but i dont dare run any benchmarks, windows seems overall slower.



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1. Pretty far, 3.6ish, i think someone on the forums has theirs at 3.8Ghz

2. 1.33 is fine. 1.4 is safe, at 1.45 you might be running into cooling problems, thats sorta the limit for air

3. Alot more than you will use it for

4. Northbridge, sure, when you get to point where it is unstable you could push +0.1v or similar through the NB and see if that helps. But as with everything in overclocking, do it one step at a time and if it doesnt make any difference it's prolly better to keep it at stock.

5. People say it is bad but i use on my computer, you could do all the overclocking with it off, and then when you have stopped at a stable max, turn it back on and see if anything crap's out

6. Yep, 2.1v is fine. If you find in the end the memory still ends up under-clocked, you could always tighten the timings a bit (though 4-4-4-15 is decent aleady)

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so i manged to hit 3.8ghz @ 476, this seems like the wall for the cpu even at 1,45 it wont go up 1mhz without rebotting before windows.


Cpu max: 3.8ghz

FSB max:500-535 (failed benchmarks but works fine browsing the web and idle)


so i have 3 choices what do you think would be the best?


3.2ghz 1.3v @ 400 - 1:1 800 ram 4-4-4-15 (stable)

3.5ghz 1.3-4@ 444 - 5:6 1066 ram 5-5-5-18 (stable)

3.8ghz 1.40-5 @ 476 - 1:1 968 ram 5-5-5-18 (iffy, didnt do many benchmarks)



right now im at 3.5ghz with 42c load from 35ambient. im wondering if higher fsb is better than 1:1 ram, i don't really know.

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right now im at 3.5ghz with 42c load from 35ambient.


This is not realistic on air. You have a room temperature of 35 degrees ?? And under load your E6750 raises only to 42 ???


What do you use to measure your temps ?

Edited by The Smith

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for idle i use the bios for load the use the stupid program gigbyte provides withe board, while its utterly useless it does display temps give or take a degee.


i have very good airflow, since my case is small i have 3 fans (counting the heatsink one) blowing on it and 1 sucking it out all within a inch of eachother.

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for idle i use the bios for load the use the stupid program gigbyte provides withe board, while its utterly useless it does display temps give or take a degee.


Are you talking of EasyTune ?


Look at this sreenshot:


This is on my E6750 at idle. The difference between the two at load will probably be bigger.


So in conclusion, I suggest you use speedFan or coreTemp. :)

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haha thats it. hmm i'll try out coreTemp and report back what the temps are during prime95



edit: 60c!?! i don't believe that for one second, maaaybe 50c..time to find another program or go by what the bios says after prime95 for 2 hours, it should still be nice and warm.

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