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Overclocking E6750

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Hey all, as i am new here, i am just after some info :D


I have a intel core 2 duo e6750 cpu, and a gigabypte p31-ds3l motherboard running on stock cooling. Wondering whats a good overclock for this cpu? I am currently running it at 2.8ghz with the voltage for the cpu on "auto" or it seems to "crash" windows..


Just wondering how i take this board to better performance :)


Thanks for any tips! :D




CPU : e6750 @ 2.8ghz


RAM: Geil DDR2 800Mhz Overclock 4-4-4-12 (Default 5-5-5-15)




OS: Windows XP Pro SP2


550W psu

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Tighter memory timings are not really an overclock. It also may be causing your problems for now. You would have to give more information as to your settings for anyone to help you. Multiplier, voltages, temps that type of info. Be sure to have read the OC guides if you have not already.


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Another idea: do not leave your voltages set to "Auto" in the BIOS. This is a good way to have your board overvolt your CPU and possibly cause damage, if not system instability. As mentioned above, check out some basic overclocking guides. I'm also running an E6750 which I have currently overclocked to 3.2 GHz. My chip's VID is 1.3125, which just happens to be the same voltage I'm still using on my overclock. All it took was a bump up to 400 for the FSB. If you have no idea what some of these terms are (i.e. VID, FSB, or what voltages I'm speaking of) do yourself a favor and read some of the Core 2 Duo overclocking guides. They are very informative and usually quite complete. Also, leave your RAM timings at stock while attempting to overclock your CPU so you know any system instability isn't coming on that end.

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I see, I would have assumed having a better ram timings would increase performance (it DEFINATLY) is, All the reviews and guides i have read on my type of ram suggests, I can run it at 4-4-4-12 @ 2.0v and cpu @ 2.8ghz.. stably.. which it is running quite stabily. I shall try both ways :) Thanks for the tips ppl. keep em coming. i am eager to learn

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Well, yes, generally speaking tighter RAM timings equates to better performance, but if you're attempting to overclock your system you're going to want to tackle one area at a time. Personally I'd concentrate on finding your preferred stable CPU overclock and then deal with the RAM after you've locked down your CPU. While I'm not going to guarantee what I'm about to say will work for your chip, you should be able to reach 3.0 to 3.2 GHz on stock voltages. However, don't leave your CPU voltage on "Auto," as mentioned earlier.

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3.2ghz is easy if you just bump your FSB to 400 and memory mutiplier to 2 which is 1:1. 1.3v should work.


i would forget about the memory timings because the difference between 4-4-4 and 5-5-5 isnt really anything compared to the boost from a 600mhz OC. leave it at 5-5-5 and up the FSB to 400.

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you should be able to get to 3.2 ghz easily, i have a 6750 with a p35-ds3l and ive managed to get to 3.6 but had to bring it back down to 3.2 due to stability issues. for 3.2 i used stock voltage.

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I cannot seem to find the Core 2 Duo overclocking guides. I keep getting an "error" Can someone please post a link?

Does my link above not work? It works for me.


Check out this little dirty guide too http://www.atomicmpc.com.au/forums.asp?s=2...amp;t=1&p=0

I know diff. cpu but same idea. No substitute for knowing what you are doing but keeps things simple.

Know the voltage limits of your cpu and ram and don't go above.

Edited by Syngensmyth

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