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Tuniq Tower: Quite a let down

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I upgraded to a Tuniq Tower from an SI-120/Panflo combo. I have to say, it is not the best $60 I've spent. I only went down 8ºc on the hottest core, going from 63c to 55c load. Also, Idle temps remain the same. I am running 4 instances of Stress Prime 2004 (because Prime95 will not run 4 cores at once, and will only run 2 instances of the program). After 10 minutes, My cores have the following temps: 55,55,48,48. I am going to try and reverse the fan direction to see if that helps, but that will just blow hot air onto the top of my GPU.


Any ideas why this is such a failure?



I think I screwed the HS down enough; I didn't want to go too far and bend my board and break it in half; the screws protrude out the back plate about 1mm.

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Idle temps I would cared less about. It's all about loaded temps. Guess it all comes down to one's expectations. Down to 55C from 63C is approximately a 12% decrease. Not to shabby in my opinion. Idle temps I would care less about. It's all about loaded temps. Prime95 runs four cores just fine.



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I see you're at 3.8Ghz there Praz, what are your temps? I forgot to mention that I am only at 3.0 (9x333). I also opened my case and the heatsink isn't even warm, plus the heatpipes are maybe 5ºf above room temp. maybe re-seat the HS?


and thanks for the info rado, 25.5 works just fine for me now :)

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I have to say that that's actually a pretty good gain there. You might wanna tweak the bolts a bit see if you can even out the temp across all the cores. I just removed a dual rad setup to go back to my tuniq, that's how much I like this cooler.

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I really enjoy my tuniq.

As praz said, it's load temps where this thing shines.

I would also recommend being sure your case itself is adequatly kept cool by making sure your other fans inside are doing their job.

You will be surprised how much that can impact your overclocks.

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What method did you use to apply thermal paste? Arctic Silver has different recommendations for the quad cores. I believe it calls for a thin line down the middle of the processor (across the cores) then a dab in the middle of your heatsink.


Otherwise there isn't much you can do. The Ultra-120 on my buddies hits around 55C load at 3.4GHz at just above stock voltage...

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Yes, I ran a line across the center of the IHS perpendicular to the notch/arrow on the CPU, then dabbed a little on the HS and spread it in using a paper towel.


*I added another 120mm, zip-stripped it and placed it in three 5.25" bays, blowing towards the CPU (because there is a dead spot of hot air between the CPU and GPU, below the IO ports) to supply it with a little fresh air. I also tried getting my CPU up to 3.4Ghz, but one core in Prime95 would fail within 3 minutes (this is with voltage at auto, which usually goes up to 1.4-1.41v). I backed down to 3.2Ghz, and manually set the voltage, starting at stock 1.32 and going up to 1.385; each time prime95 would BSOD on me; and the last time I tested it (at 1.385v) my video went out and my comp shut itself off and reset the OC settings in the BIOS back to stock (a thing it does automatically when it cant POST). Unless I'm missing something or overheated/volted something earlier, I guess I hit my max at 3Ghz.



One last question. I hear that it is good for temps to set your ram for 1:1 ratio with your FSB. My RAM is rated for 1200Mhz. So would it be best to set my RAM at 667Mhz and have 1:1 ratio and low heat or set it at 1066(?) and have 5:8 ratio and run my RAM close to where it should be? By the way, as usual help here is phenomenal and I thank all of you for your knowledge :)

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