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My GF cheated one me.......


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Revenge is a dish best served cold (Star-Trek Wrath of Khan)


Shag her rotten first chance you get and then dump her and move on - be sure to practice safe . though just in case her and the "other" guy didn't, and they ended up sharing something you probably don't want to catch.


I know that sounds harsh. But there are really three paths you could take from here. You are at a crossroads and only your heart and your head (the big one) can tell you where to go.


You could - forgive and forget - but that takes a lot of love, a lot of patience and a commitment to totally put this away in a compartment and lock it up forever. Never to be brought up again in your relationship - especially during fights.


You could - serve her up a dish of cold revenge - and then move on.


You could - just try and go about your life without her in it and in time (trust me) the pain will grow smaller and smaller until it just a little speed bump you crossed at one time in your life.


I've tried it all three ways. The second option offers the quickest relief, but it is fleeting.


Now I'll tell you a true story, my wife was unfaithful to me when we were just dating and living together. But me too. I'm not without transgressions :) And it was fun, and it was worth it at the time. But we got past all of that, ended up married and have been married for many, many, many years now. We have two grown kids, a teenager still at home, two grandsons and a granddaughter on the way. Looking back at our life together, I was glad we were both able to forgive and forget. And I'm glad we sowed all of those oats BEFORE we made the commitment of marriage.


Take all my so called "wisdom" with a grain of salt though. Like I said earlier, only your heart and head can tell you where to go from here. Good luck.


The best medicine right now might just be to go blow something up (like BF2 or COD4 gaming style) Not literally :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

sorry to bring this back from the dead, but i just saw angrys post on the first page and had to post...


angry is right, hell, i have made the same mistakes over that angry socked me for 2 years ago:tooth: (not the serious ones mind you angry ;)). anyways, im gonna save some thead space and not repeat what others have said. but they are all right. a bit of advice though, if you know people who are elderly, talk to them. they have more life experience than anyone else on the planet, and if you have grandparents, they can almost predect the future! me and this girl dated for about 8months, but had been friends for a while, funny thing is, good ole gramps said "you dont need to get too thick with her". he had met her once before he said that, and 8mos later, like you, for no reason we split. a week later coming home from ROTC camp she forked a guy in the seat behind me on the back of the bus out of spite. shoot man, you are probably eyeballing another chick by now :D

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I'm not going to give a long response, or even a mature one. I'll give my response.


First, if a girl wants to take a break, I'd quit altogether. If someone loses interest, move the xxxx on! There's a _reason_ she wants to take a break, and this will only snowball over time. Any flaws you find in someone will only snowball as you spend more time with them and commit to a relationship until they are unbearable. If someone has flaws make sure these are flaws you are able to love for a long time if you want a successful relationship.


If someone can't deal with these flaws after a few months or a year, there's no reason to go back to them. There are too many women out there to focus on one who has no interest in you.


However, if you think there really aren't that many.. the point still stands to not spend time wth one who doesn't really want you. Right now she got something out of her system and is ready to go back to you, but do you want to be with a woman who every now and then has to xxxx someone else in order to love you?

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Seriously, don't go back to her. She'll probably do the same . and make up the same retarded excuses. Go get yourself a new gal, you'll find a decent one eventually.


Couldnt agree more!


7 days, you will laugh about it. :P


Right again!




And I have my own ideas as to what should be done. None of them are appropriate for this forum. Nor any other forum, for that matter. :tooth:


Yeah, we know! Same thing you did to your bed sheets on the pics you posted! He He :nod:



@ Schoolslave! Lass dich von der alten nicht verarschen! Die wird es wieder machen wenn sie kann! Dont ask he'll know what it means! :eek2: :nod: BTW: How is that E6750 running mate?

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Couldnt agree more!




Right again!




Yeah, we know! Same thing you did to your bed sheets on the pics you posted! He He :nod:



@ Schoolslave! Lass dich von der alten nicht verarschen! Die wird es wieder machen wenn sie kann! Dont ask he'll know what it means! :eek2: :nod: BTW: How is that E6750 running mate?


LOL. Yup I understand what it means. :)

I tested the CPU in a friend's PC, works great, thanks for the awesome deal! :angel:


BTW: Already got a new GF, lol......

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reading this thread from the beginning, i feel your pain SS, but like Angry said,(im 39). take it as part of life.

There are so so so so so so so many women out there, don't let one ruin it for you.:)

My uncle always told me, don;t have just one g/f, have alot and treat them all like s**t.:cool:

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LOL. Yup I understand what it means. :)

I tested the CPU in a friend's PC, works great, thanks for the awesome deal! :angel:


BTW: Already got a new GF, lol......


...shoot man, you are probably eyeballing another chick by now :D




watch a film called Little Miss Sunshine because its funny and the granddad character has some great advice for his teenage grandson - a cure for all ills.


that was a twisted movie... whos gramps does crack?

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BTW: Already got a new GF, lol......


That's the way SS. You're way too young to think about being that serious romantically. I'm 49, been married coming on 23 years, to the same woman. Enjoy dating and date as many types of girls as you can. Then when you 30 or so, the settle down and get serious. However, there will always be that one that got away. Enjoy while your young.

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