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Moment of silence for NIU


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Guest SuppA-SnipA

gun laws are strict in Toronto, almost impossible to get a pistol legally, and its so easy to get one illegally, i know who to go to if i wanted one, but with guns guys....keep it legal and keep it safe, or don't do it at all.

the Toronto law with having a pistol legally is pretty rough, i believe you need 2 safes, mounted to the floor, one for the ammo, one for the gun, then you'd need a . load of different licenses (hunting, carrying, etc) and no, you can not carry it on the street

i seriously wouldn't mind having a nice HK P2000, shoot out a few clips at a range :D, but ...i can't :(


the person behind www.ctrlaltdel-online.com thinks this is whole student shootings nonsense is ridiculous, its literally becoming a trend.

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I've never seen a clear cut argument on this, but I don't meet that many americans and those I do seem to want to avoid talking guns.


The two sides I've heard are that it is constitutional as you say, and that it is but only in defence of your country. I'm not wanting to start a flame/rage thread but I need to clarify these things as I'm shortly going to be seeing more americans than I can shake a stick at and I'm not really good at keeping my mouth shut, ergo this post.

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The argument is this (if you choose extremes):


On one side, liberals think that banning all guns results in no one owning guns (apparently all existing guns vanish by way of leprechaun charm)


and on the flip side, conservatives think that if everyone had guns, we would become a self-regulating society (apparently the wild-west movies are a representation of ultimate peace)


That's it, cut and dry.

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the issue really isnt with the guns....it's with the Dumbass parents that dont teach their Dumbass kids not to get pissed and wack their friends....


Some people and I say some people are way to quick to blame the guns and want to destroy them for the reason people die....


it's the IDIOT holding the gun that makes the choice whether some one lives or dies....


I have guns and I have tried to teach my children about guns and gun safety....I also show them just what guns can do and the damage is NOT fixable after the trigger has been pulled....


they also know if they choose to play with a gun the police is going to be the last of their worries when I get done with them....:(


I say this is a sad, sad world we live in and once this has been done in society others deem it acceptable and figure what the hell they did it why cant I....?

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The USA is becoming more and more populated, times are tuff, people become mentally sick about their lives and society. Our known population is somewhere around 300million im guessing. That IS alot of people. We do have lethal weapons in our society and at this time im guessing again that most of us still want our protection and our right to bear arms. Who is it anyway that that thinks if you take away the Babies Toy that he/she will stop playing?

They will just find another "TOY" to play with. I do not want to end up like those poor Socially Castrated Bloakes in England. Gawd please tell me we wont follow Englands lead and allow ourselves to be photographed 500 times on the way to work everyday have our conversations evesdropped on anytime anywhere for anyreason. Poor Sods.

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