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R.I.P. - The technodanvan is no longer with us.


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when i saw the topic title i thought u were leaving the site :confused:


I thought he was dead!


Scared the crap out of me with that title' date=' thought something had happened to you.[/quote']


Nope' date=' I'm just an butt that wanted some attention. ;)


i didnt think it was possible to trash a car worse then my ex...


Why thank you. I don't consider it trashing though, I consider it using. All those people with new cars that baby the crap out of them piss my . off so much. I guarantee if I had a brand-new Jeep I'd go off-road with it, if I had a Mustang GT I wouldn't let anyone pass me on the highway. I don't know how many times I blew by a Corvette doing 65 on the interstate (70 is the limit now) and just started swearing at the guy for the next five minutes.


Must be nice to have money and waste it on stuff you don't use.


Okay, towards the end I suppose I did trash it a bit when I ran over a few couches. But she wanted to do that anyways. :)


Now it's time for the danvanman to get a V-dub bus ;) then paint it with the floral pattern of your old avatar (or hell go with pink to match your current one)


If I could find one in really good shape I'd consider it. The likelihood of me getting another van is pretty slim though' date=' seeing as how I'm not married, don't have a girlfriend, and could use the help a "sexier" car might provide. As if anything is sexier than a minivan with a pillowtop bed in the back with moodlighting all around.




Gotta conform to society's crappy standards though.


I can't say that I know ur pain as I've never owned a vehicle I loved that much,.. especially one that would inspire a board name and avatar. Tho I can help you look in the Toys R Us ads and see what Tonka is coming out with this year. Maybe there will even a be a "Barbie's Bumpin Van".



Whatever we find tho, I think you should keep your handle. The van would have wanted it that way. Mm hmm


Lol, you're an butt. Wish Tonka did make vans though...


And yeah, the handle's going nowhere. Partially because it's unlikely Travis would change it, but mostly because I'm too lazy to think up a new one. Certainly too lazy to make a cooler one, which is just impossible (next to Contralto Dynasty of course).


This is one of the saddest moments in this forums history.

Since it sold for $125 it will probably be scrapped.


RIP Technodanvan's technovan.


Yeah' date=' it's gonna be parted out. The really sad thing is I actually [i']need[/i] the money.




Heya Techno' date='

Sorry for your loss man. I know how tuff it can be to let go. :sad:

Um,, so whats it gonna be now?? "TechnoVetteDan? :)[/quote']


Ha! As if I'd waste my money on a Chevy. Judging from the relatively small number of Vettes that have passed me in the danvan (which would be zero) and comparing that to the number of Vettes I've passed (I dunno, a dozen or two) I can conclude two things:


1. Vettes are slow

2. Vette owners have smaller penises than the average male, a

3. As such they should never be allowed near a car with 3 times the amount of power my van had and yet only used a tenth of it. Ever.


Holy .' date=' what did you do to that poor girl? :([/quote']


Lots of things. Didn't you watch the video I linked to? :)


Man' date=' what is it about vans that people get so attached to them?


I've had 6 vans over the years, and I have tons of great stories about them. They may look ugly, be cold as hell in the winter, lousy on gas (thanks to aerodynamics like a brick!), but they sure are practical and fun to drive!


You're gonna miss that van, Dan![/quote']


Hells yeah, they're pretty much the epitome of usefulness! Well, maybe a station wagon beats them out...but it'd have to be a pretty cool one.


The best part about the van is that it was great in snow. Part of that greatness comes from me of course (greatest driver of all time) but the other part comes from it being rear wheel drive. Just throw 600+ pounds behind the rear axle and BAM! you'll never get stuck. Or you'll get really, really stuck...


one things nagging me did you get it new????

cause i ain't lending you my car if you did


No' date=' I didn't get it new. It's a 1990, I think my dad picked it up in '94 or so. He gave it to me when I was 13/14ish.


technodanvan You got your moneys worth out of that ride. Hows the weather:eek: I'm in Dyersville working on a ethanol refinery and it's snow like there no tomorrow here.


Yeah, we probably got 8 inches or so and I'm pissed. I LOVED driving that van through snow.


Pretty rusty old bucket!! Its gonna be good to get a new ride m8' date=' look forward to this instead crying. [/quote']


I probably won't get a new car for a while. I'm joining the military at some point in the next month (hopefully) so I won't really need one for a bit. Not to mention I couldn't afford even the cheapest of cars right now.

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You SOB! I was sending flowers. :P




NOT to you Dan, but to that poor van. What did you do to it? Have you ever herd of vehicle maintenance? :eek:


Now I know where you got the money for all that high end computer stuff. I was from driving to death your van. :rolleyes:

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Guest element

Woa, you'll struggle to find better value than that bro.


fantastic times in one's first car. I haven't killed mine yet. Had a dam horrid crash but so far still running.:sweat:


I do suggest a station wagon tho. I love mine in the same way you loved this glorious van !

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I thought he was dead!


Sorry to hear about the van. Find another junker and hope it lasts the same...and people say American cars don't last.


Yeah right. My baby is still running like a champ!!! Passes everything but a gas station!





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Guest InFeKtioN

Thats too bad about the van, Dan !


I must say though .... I look forward to your posts. You crack me up !

No matter how cocky or arrogant you may sound or had sad it should be, you always seem to find a way to find humor in a situation. lol


So....... what are you driving now ?

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Why thank you. I don't consider it trashing though, I consider it using. All those people with new cars that baby the crap out of them piss my . off so much. I guarantee if I had a brand-new Jeep I'd go off-road with it, if I had a Mustang GT I wouldn't let anyone pass me on the highway. I don't know how many times I blew by a Corvette doing 65 on the interstate (70 is the limit now) and just started swearing at the guy for the next five minutes.


Must be nice to have money and waste it on stuff you don't use.

Seriously! I think I passed a vette when I was parked once. What is the point in having all this performance if you aren't going to use it? There are definitely other babe magnets out there. I even see Saturns and Wide Load convoys passing vettes.

Lol, you're an butt.

I'm not sure why people keep telling me this. :angel:

And yeah, the handle's going nowhere. Partially because it's unlikely Travis would change it, but mostly because I'm too lazy to think up a new one. Certainly too lazy to make a cooler one, which is just impossible (next to Contralto Dynasty of course).

That would be a pretty decent name. More thought on this while I was reading your extremely funny responses was this... just pronounce your name differently. So instead of Techno-DanVan it can be: Tech...NO-DanVan. I think it covers all the bases personally. :tooth:


Foolishness aside, sorry to hear about your pride and joy and good luck on your next assignment. :) Can't say the pay will fix your current financial woes for some time to come ...especially if u go enlisted, but the experience you gain will more than make up for it if you still stick with it.

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NOT to you Dan, but to that poor van. What did you do to it? Have you ever herd of vehicle maintenance? :eek:


Engine runs better than the day it was new, I simply see no reason to replace useless parts like bumpers, tail lights, or power steering. mostly because I couldn't afford to do so anyways. ;)

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