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Who Are You Voting For In '04?

howie b

Who would you vote for?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Wesley Clark
    • Howard Dean
    • John Edwards
    • Joe Lieberman
    • John Kerry
    • Dick Gephardt
    • Al Sharpton
    • Carol Moseley Braun
    • George "Dubya" Bush
    • John Buchana
    • Blake Ashby
    • Other Democrat
    • Third Party Member (wait...there's third parties?!?!)
    • Don't know/Don't care/Can't vote
    • Other Republican

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Howie this isn't socialist China, this is Cut-Throat CAPITALISM.

Hell....It should be!! We have the money, we have the resources, I think socialism is the way to go, not to mention the next step on the political evolutionary scale.

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So I can now sit and be lazy resting in the comfort of government beurocracy (socialism is a joke, not a progression). If that was the system, no one would do anything productive. If no one is out to make profit, all efficiency is lost because no one has drive (or ability) to gain more then the other. People are inclined to be lazy, it would work as well as communism, only in a perfect world were everyone cares about trying to be equal with everyone else. I want rewards for what I do, based upon my personal achievements.

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Hell....It should be!!  We have the money, we have the resources, I think socialism is the way to go, not to mention the next step on the political evolutionary scale.

Howie you have much to learn young padowan....

Socialism and Communism works on paper and only paper.

Why do countries that are socialist (ie. China, Australia, etc.) injecting Capitalism into their political system....


Because they know that 100% socialism doesn't work.

The fact remains that 1% of socialism doesn't work.

People don't work hard when they are givin what they want.

Obviously you haven't taken economics and looked at the efficiency scale between socialism and communism vs capitalism (a FREE MARKET).

If you did you would know that capitalism is the most efficient economic system out their TO THIS DAY.

Did our forefathers of the constitution say it was mandatory to pay for all these social programs.... no didn't think so.. they are rolling in their graves as you type those words in your posts.


Has anyone heard that saying "Nothing is FREE"

Edited by AYoKoNA

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Hell....It should be!! We have the money, we have the resources, I think socialism is the way to go, not to mention the next step on the political evolutionary scale.

<rant>Its phenominal to me that anyone can make such a statement in this day in age. Clearly socialialism doesnt work. Cuba, Former USSR, China. They arent exactly glowing models of economic and social strength. And dont give me any crap about they just didnt do it right. Anyone who has read Marx or the Utopian communists will realize that, in the case of Marx, true Marxist communism cannot be because it requires the entire populous to rise up against the evil government in unison and through them down. Notice the word entire. For the Utopians, most of them did not intead for their theories to be put into practice, rather they were philosophers, writing ideas. Any if you have an argument about it, bring it, but make sure its educated, because Ive read communist theory, and Ive read capatalist theory, so I have an idea what Im talking about.</rant>

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So you'd vote for Hillary Clinton? :rolleyes:


o geez...thanks god that's sarcasm ;)



no, i hate the be-atch. Even if she had major cosmetic surgery, i still wouldn't vote for her ;)



i was hoping she'd run though, because then i'm pretty sure she'd have to give up the NY senate seat....i'm ashamed to be a NYer :(

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Don't get me wrong, Capitalism was useful in its time. It provided a motivation for humans to gain knowledge and become educated at the prospect of success. We realize that now, and it is time to move on.








You all respect Albert Einstein's ideas right?




The original, whole text






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Don't get me wrong, Capitalism was useful in its time. It provided a motivation for humans to gain knowledge and become educated at the prospect of success. We realize that now, and it is time to move on.

Which is why you are a silent minority here in the U.S. because ALMOST NOBODY believes these perposturous theories.

You are so off about your politics, I suggest preaching this socialist agenda elsewhere, perhaps China or Canada, ALMOST nobody here in AMERICA wants to live the way you do.

Howie you are one of those liberals that just switches from issue to issue and can't face the facts... your posts went from


"Yeah. No suprises here. These were pretty much the answers I expected to hear. After all thi is a COMPUTER forum....All your mommies and daddies obviously have enough to supply for you without hesitation. "




Rich vs Poor gap (in which i gave you facts for that u couldnt even explain)




"Hell....It should be!! We have the money, we have the resources, I think socialism is the way to go, not to mention the next step on the political evolutionary scale. "


Quit bouncing around all your LIBERAL AGENDAS. They don't work and the citizens of America are beginning to realize THEY DONT WORK...

which is why i have stated b4 and will state again

Republicans control House, Senate, and Executive Branch, we are the majority :)

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I was responding to all the posts that were made....The TOPIC keeps jumping around....how is that my fault? Every instance you gave was a response, and you, as usual, once again have NO response to the information I posted..... I find that ironic.


Republicans control House, Senate, and Executive Branch, we are the majority


So was the Nazi regime in Germany for many years.....we all know what happened to them. :D



When the masses decide it's time for a change, there will be a change....I'm just preparing, are you?

Edited by howie b

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You are so off about your politics, I suggest preaching this socialist agenda elsewhere, perhaps China or Canada, ALMOST nobody here in AMERICA wants to live the way you do.

Dont sick him on us for Christs sake. Canada doesnt want any Pinko Commies and more than you do.


And Howie, if you think the masses are gonna revolt in a "grand uprising of the true state", think again. Communism will never work effectivly until the poor and middle class band together to overthrow the rich. And thats never gonna happen, because most of us know better.


Comparing the american government to the Nazis is just ludicrous. Its an ignorant crutch your using to avoid the true arguement.


Go spread your bleeding heart propaganda somewhere else.

Edited by theArmy

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Well this is going to be the first election that i am going to be able to vote in. I actully turn 18 on October 31st which is days away from the election. I will mostlikley vote for the democratic canadate. Which looks to be Howard Dean right now. Something that Al Gore is supporting dean and not lieberman. I actully got to shake Al Gores hand. Which was pretty cool. and Claymeow there are no hot chicks in politics. No Resse Witherspoon wasent really running for political office that was a movie. (and no i never seen that movie nor do i care to.)

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