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can anybody reccomend a good incar navigation


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i'm looking for a incar navigation system as my job requires me to travel allover the state i know the maps will be different but the basic machines should be the same

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garmin is highly recommended..no experience with them personally, but i know several people that use their product and love it....i like the laptop setup, but i am always using the computer for other things as well...media, maps, e-mail from hot spots, etc. etc. etc

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Well i've had the unit for a couple of days and i'm very impressed with the machine the street directory is good the pronouciation of some streets is a little off but bareable at least with the text to speech even with the bad pronouciation you now what the street name is roughly, and what to look out for.


this one has blue tooth which also acts as a hands free for your moblie it can even read out your sms messages, very help full when you on the road and don't want to pull over to read them(again some of the pronouncation is a little wacky esspecially if txt shorting is used by the sender or bad spelling, but overall quite helpful)


The tom tom GO 910 also has a 20gig hard drive making it a portable storage unit(very handy)

but the best feture of it is the warning when you are going to fast or you are approching a speed camera(fixed)or a red light camera even in the short time i've had it it's saved me im pretty good a keeping an eye out for them but having somone tell its coming its a great help.

as for a reccomendation i would certanly give this one the thumbs up

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Guest LookBackX2

I have used a TomTom and Garmin.


Both make a quality product.


The tomtom is my favorite though.

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