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I don't quite understand the phrase "Crysis is demolishing rigs by the truck load" (sorry Branjo). I'd say it's hardly 'demolishing' rigs. With a dual core and 8800GT 1680x1050 at medium settings should be more than playable, what more do you want? I mean, how many top-tier games come up and are completely playable at top settings? Think Doom 3, the best card when that came out was what, the 6800 Ultra? Two of them in Sli might have been good enough, but it wasn't completely playable until the 7800GTX came out. Just saying, games like this tend to start looking better and better as time goes on.


um...have you actually PLAYED Crysis? I know you are saying you are playing it, but if you don't understand Branjo's statement, you must not really actually be playing Crysis...because it demolishes my rigs even the ones that have the 8800 card in it...


and btw, a couple of GTX's aren't going to help either (go look at some benchies or just read everyone else's statements here). Sorry raperdan, you must be on crack today though if you can't see how Crysis is bringing every rig in the land to their knees. Go look over at XS and other 'extreme' places where guys are doing 4GHz quads + super mega cooled 8800GTX SLI and they are saying the same thing...at max details most are unable to get more than 10-20fps.


Btw, Doom3 even with a 7800GTX and highly overclocked dual core still wasn't acceptable at max settings.


No, there's a fundamental difference in previous game engines vs this new one from Crysis. In FarCry, you could walk down the beach and see all the pebbles/sand but it was all just a bump-mapped texture tile set. Walk down the same beach or jungle in Crysis and see all those same rocks and pebbles and notice they are all 3d models now, not textures.


I do agree with your statement about what is NECESSARY to enjoy the game. I'm playing both on XP w/3800+ X2, 2GB, X1900XT 512MB and at 1024x768 everything on Medium, as well as the E6600 @ 3Ghz, 2GB RAM, 8800GTS 320MB on Vista64 @ 1280x1024 with everything on Medium...and I'm getting just decent framerates (about 30fps average, maybe a little higher). That's decent enough for me, but I did like everyone else and cranked everything up to high and very high and it's totally unplayable, which brings us back to how Crysis will bring any rig to it's knees.


Too bad Crysis is nothing more than FarCry2. CoD4 offers a LOT more gameplay and a lot more fun (I like the chaos!) than Crysis can. But it's the same each time with Crytek. They have a killer game engine and yet they make boring, standard-fare shooters with it instead of innovating like Gears of War or Half-Life2. Crysis is already boring to me, but I'm trying to trudge through it just to see all that the graphics engine has to offer.

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um...have you actually PLAYED Crysis? I know you are saying you are playing it, but if you don't understand Branjo's statement, you must not really actually be playing Crysis...because it demolishes my rigs even the ones that have the 8800 card in it...


First, yeah I know a pair of 7800s (or a single 7800GTX 512) was necessary for Doom 3 maxed out, I forgot to say 'pair' or 'Sli'.


In any case, I've been playing the game all morning, my definition of 'demolishes' is apparently different. The way I look at it, 'demolishes' means unplayable. Just because people are cranking up everything in hopes that it will work doesn't mean the game isn't perfectly playable even at good settings.


Yes, it is a demanding game.


Yes, you need a fairly decent computer in order to play it at even moderate settings.


Yes, a pair of next-gen cards from whoever may be needed in order to max the game out.


No, it doesn't 'demolish' my rig. It plays as well as it's supposed to.


Games were bound to catch up the 8800GTX eventually, it took a year but it happened. About damn time.


It is somewhat upsetting that nobody but valve can get facial expressions half-right, that's about the only real slight I have against the graphics in this game.


CoD4 offers a LOT more gameplay and a lot more fun


I heavily disagree. But to each his own. ;)

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I've only played the demo...but my rig isn't demolished by Crysis either. I can play the demo at the high settings (which is as high as it lets you) and at both 1680x1050 and 1920x1080 and it is definitely playable. I don't run anti aliasing but have v-sync enabled and it rarely drops below 60fps. Maybe only if there are a bunch of npc's and a lot of gun fighting going on it will dip a little but you wouldn't even know it if you weren't running fraps in the background. My quad is at stock and the GTX is factory OCed.

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I guess we should then clarify the meaning of "DEMOLISHED MY RIG!!!" as all of us are right in a way.


When I got a game with high levels of eye candy, I do what everyone done, and crank the max resolution up as well as the detail/candy levels. Then I piss and moan that at 1600x1200 I can't play RS Vegas with 8xAA/16xAF with HDR dynamic lighting at max with all textures at max etc.


Well I used to just like everyone else who claims a demolished rig lol.


See, a game like Crysis, it wasn't meant to be played at 1280x1024 with medium settings. It wasn't even meant to be played at High settings. Crytek wants you to play the game at 2560x1900 or whatever that res is with everything maxed out. Because then you will TRULY see the TRUE power of their engine.


Sure, we all see that power even at 1024x768 with everything on medium. I'm no fool. I can truly spot all the big and little things that make Crysis a great game graphically, as well as with physics, etc.


But who among us wants to play Unreal Tournament3 or CoD4 or Crysis at anything less than max res and max settings?


No, not even raperdanthemaninavan. He might say he is ok with it, and he wouldn't be lying, because honestly, I'm ok with that res/detail level (is about all I can get on a 3800+ X2 & X1900XT lol). But while we are ok with it, that's not what we want to do.


We want to be able to spot an enemy's belt buckle through dense jungle foilage at a game distance of 300 meters. I mean, that's what that engine (and any like it) are built for right? When I hack off a zombie's arm, I want to see tendons, blood, all that jazz. I want to see 5" sections of skull blowing off someone's head and sticking to the wall behind him in pieces, slowly oozing down in a trail of blood and brains.


I want to be able to see some butthole giving me the finger as I blow by him in my super McLaren F2 racer at 256mph. I want to see every bit of melted and blasted rubber from a blow tire exploding right in front of me before I pass him. I want to be able to read the inscription forged into the blade of my +9 Sword of Sorrowful butt-Kicking each time I slice into an orc, and I want to see that orc's teeth shatter as my +4 Hammer of Doom slams into his mouth.


That's what I want when I see these game engines that are at the top of the heap.



Smashing orc faces and speeding by dumbasses who blew a tire while playing at medium res with medium details is still a fun kick in the pants. For sure. But that's not what we REALLY want to do. We really want to see a whino's bloodshot eyes in full detail before we run him down in GTA6.


That's how we come to the "OMG DEMOLISH RIGZ0RZ!!!!" statements. Go ahead and crank your bits up to max res + max detail and then dare to say "pffft, it don't demolish my rig!!!".


You'll end up on Fox Reality in some show like "WHEN NERDZ ATTACK" etc lol.


Because honestly, Crysis demolishes my rig at even high details at 1280x1024 and I know for sure I've got a pretty damn good rig because I've played CoD4 and Gears of War at 1280x1024 with max details and even they start to stutter a bit during heavy action, and Crysis becomes all but unplayable at that resolution with very high details (and even high details really make the rig drag during good action/firefights).



Then take into account you guys with super 8800GTX or even better, SLI, are one of those 1%'ers who sometimes forget that you are a 1%'er and that the other 99% of us tend to average out to 1GB RAM + 7600GT video card + just-barely-into-a-dual-core-something-or-other-but-not-the-latest-dual-core-something-or-other.


Those guys, they get their rigs absolutely D3M0LISH3D0RZ!!! Guys like me, we get '0RZ'D a bit higher on the scale, and you 1%'ers, you always laugh at us while playing 1920x1200 with 4xAA/16xAF and call us crybabies ;)

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I guess we should then clarify the meaning of "DEMOLISHED MY RIG!!!" as all of us are right in a way.


When I got a game with high levels of eye candy, I do what everyone done, and crank the max resolution up as well as the detail/candy levels. Then I piss and moan that at 1600x1200 I can't play RS Vegas with 8xAA/16xAF with HDR dynamic lighting at max with all textures at max etc.


Well I used to just like everyone else who claims a demolished rig lol.


See, a game like Crysis, it wasn't meant to be played at 1280x1024 with medium settings. It wasn't even meant to be played at High settings. Crytek wants you to play the game at 2560x1900 or whatever that res is with everything maxed out. Because then you will TRULY see the TRUE power of their engine.


Sure, we all see that power even at 1024x768 with everything on medium. I'm no fool. I can truly spot all the big and little things that make Crysis a great game graphically, as well as with physics, etc.


But who among us wants to play Unreal Tournament3 or CoD4 or Crysis at anything less than max res and max settings?


No, not even raperdanthemaninavan. He might say he is ok with it, and he wouldn't be lying, because honestly, I'm ok with that res/detail level (is about all I can get on a 3800+ X2 & X1900XT lol). But while we are ok with it, that's not what we want to do.


We want to be able to spot an enemy's belt buckle through dense jungle foilage at a game distance of 300 meters. I mean, that's what that engine (and any like it) are built for right? When I hack off a zombie's arm, I want to see tendons, blood, all that jazz. I want to see 5" sections of skull blowing off someone's head and sticking to the wall behind him in pieces, slowly oozing down in a trail of blood and brains.


I want to be able to see some butthole giving me the finger as I blow by him in my super McLaren F2 racer at 256mph. I want to see every bit of melted and blasted rubber from a blow tire exploding right in front of me before I pass him. I want to be able to read the inscription forged into the blade of my +9 Sword of Sorrowful butt-Kicking each time I slice into an orc, and I want to see that orc's teeth shatter as my +4 Hammer of Doom slams into his mouth.


That's what I want when I see these game engines that are at the top of the heap.



Smashing orc faces and speeding by dumbasses who blew a tire while playing at medium res with medium details is still a fun kick in the pants. For sure. But that's not what we REALLY want to do. We really want to see a whino's bloodshot eyes in full detail before we run him down in GTA6.


That's how we come to the "OMG DEMOLISH RIGZ0RZ!!!!" statements. Go ahead and crank your bits up to max res + max detail and then dare to say "pffft, it don't demolish my rig!!!".


You'll end up on Fox Reality in some show like "WHEN NERDZ ATTACK" etc lol.


Because honestly, Crysis demolishes my rig at even high details at 1280x1024 and I know for sure I've got a pretty damn good rig because I've played CoD4 and Gears of War at 1280x1024 with max details and even they start to stutter a bit during heavy action, and Crysis becomes all but unplayable at that resolution with very high details (and even high details really make the rig drag during good action/firefights).



Then take into account you guys with super 8800GTX or even better, SLI, are one of those 1%'ers who sometimes forget that you are a 1%'er and that the other 99% of us tend to average out to 1GB RAM + 7600GT video card + just-barely-into-a-dual-core-something-or-other-but-not-the-latest-dual-core-something-or-other.


Those guys, they get their rigs absolutely D3M0LISH3D0RZ!!! Guys like me, we get '0RZ'D a bit higher on the scale, and you 1%'ers, you always laugh at us while playing 1920x1200 with 4xAA/16xAF and call us crybabies ;)


Angrys rants are the best! :) and YES I'm the crybaby! I want to play it all on max. but with Cysis its not working! He He!

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“Crysis” rant ends? I enjoyed reading the threads very much.


  • The Orange Box
  • Clive Barker's Jericho
  • Painkiller: Overdose
  • TimeShift
  • Gears of War
  • F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate
  • BlackSite: Area 51
  • Crysis
  • Unreal Tournament 3

Got “Unreal Tournament 3”.

“Assassin'sCreed” & “Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason” won’t come out in this year, so got rid of them.

Also removed “Hellgate: London” from the list. The game is just not my type.


Reading the professional review of the “F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate”, I didn’t notice the “Bonus Missions”, which are unlocked when the single player game is finished:




…too short. I heard these missions are like the instant-action type of games in the “F.E.A.R.” XBox version. I wonder if the Xbox gamers enjoyed such short “missions”…


Now I’m playing the “Crysis” with all settings set “High” in 1920X1200. Not bad or I just used to as I was playing the game.











“Gears of War”? Oh, yeah, you know, actually I got it when it was released. Just to practice the third-person shooter – I am a poor third person shooter. Horrible. My friends of mine always make fun of my poor play. Honestly, I don’t know where to look / aim / shoot / move when playing the character. Any suggestion?

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