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Thanx! That helps out a lot...

Eva_Unit_0's first post about the higher end cards being able to still be competitive as more advanced games come out makes sense to me...


Extra thanks to GTSticky for providing a source to go along with his claim... guess I fell into the 30 fps myth!


... and until I start pulling in the big bucks (or overclock my brain), I'll stick with my exceptional Radeon 9500np. ;)

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actually the human eye can see more than 30frames per second. When you guys talk about movies being less than 30 and appearing to be fluid motion its because they use motion blurs to make it appear to be fluid. Go play a video game at 30fps and then play it at 60fps and tell me theres no difference in how smooth it is. Video games dont use motion blurring so things dont look as smooth.


Also i read some article about how if you were in a room with no light and a light flashed for like 1/1000 of a second you would see that light.

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in a video game you aren't seeing light projected though actual frames of film. its the computer drawing new "screens" of information based on the game engine, cpu, memory, gpu and video mem. when you play a video game at 30 fps and things aren't smooth, it's not because not enough screen are being drawn in order for the mind not to see gaps. its because of errors, for lack of a better word, in the drawing of the screen. a couple frames got delayed becuse something happened in the back ground, then a few are skipped in order to make up for the lost time.


i'm sure that explination is technically flawed, but as far as video goes, 24frames every second is all humans need for fluid montion. i'm not saying we can't distinguish something much faster then that, either consciously or subconsciously, but that 24 is all you need.

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