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PC breakdown - Good choices?


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yeah, stay away from Vista. XP works, is stable, outperforms Vista everywhere, isn't nearly as bloated, has almost 100% compatibility (compared to Vista), still allows hardware acceleration for sound instead of some cheap software emulation crap that sucks for Vista...


basically, there is absolutely not even ONE good reason to use Vista. Don't let anyone talk mumbo jumbo about directX 10 or any nonsense of that sort. All games coming for the next few years will be DX9 compatible and there's nary a difference in visuals, but there can be an extreme difference in performance (DX10 still sucks and is slow, immature, and as I mentioned, no visual differences at this time nor for a long time from now as the majority of game devs are going to keep using DX9 since 95% of all potential customers are NOT using Vista so why would they only want to sell to 5% of potential customers, of those maybe half might not even be gamers...???)


XP all the way to save you money + headache.

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lol ok, just making sure (there's some Vista hawks that try to sell you on it's greatness and those who aren't really nerds like us...they start believing the nonsense)

Hey, it's so beautiful! And the search function is so great because we don't have a clue anyway about what junk we have! :tooth:

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If by faster you mean a 10,000 rpm drive I wouldn't waste the money. IMO the small performance gain isn't worth the price increase. Plus right now 500 gig drives are the sweet spot as far as price per gig. The 750's have come down in price as well.

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I'm deaf in one ear too, been that way for most of my life, (Nerve damage when I was 14 and down with the mumps) and the onboard sound from my board works just fine for me. Been a year and a half since I built my rig, and I’m still pleased with the sound, tho I don’t play games and rarely listen to music.


Been a long time since I peeked into any computer forums, but seeing that x2 6000+ at about half the price I paid for my x2 3800+, I wonder if I’d see any performance gain if I upgraded? Mmmm

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I'm deaf in one ear too, been that way for most of my life, (Nerve damage when I was 14 and down with the mumps) and the onboard sound from my board works just fine for me. Been a year and a half since I built my rig, and I’m still pleased with the sound, tho I don’t play games and rarely listen to music.


Been a long time since I peeked into any computer forums, but seeing that x2 6000+ at about half the price I paid for my x2 3800+, I wonder if I’d see any performance gain if I upgraded? Mmmm


only in software that is very reliant on the cpu...and even then, not really enough to justify an upgrade at this point

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only in software that is very reliant on the cpu...and even then, not really enough to justify an upgrade at this point


Thanks. Not sure I really want to try and mess with a rig that has been such a solid performer since the day I built it.

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