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badarthur's for sale thread


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Yes you can force it to T1 but My OS crashed upon loading and Im doing enough of a OC that I have to use 133/266 membuss anyway. Im thinking Mabey I should have bought a 165 instead of a 170 because I only use 9Xmulty and not the 10.I could have saved myself 20 or 30 buck's. I just cant believe that you can buy a 170 for 120 and free shipping. Wernt they like 400+Buck's?


Im going to buy a good video card this weekend and probubly a 640 8800 and then im going to start saving and buying part's for my next rig. With 939 I didnt see much reason to do AM-2. So im trying to hold off until I can build a 4 or quad processor system. And that may be unrealistic im not sure.


I just gave away to afriend a pretty good budget 939 2X4200 on a Asrock with Onboard video that ran Vista Ultra 64bit. I made him buy his own ram and PSU. I did that so I would have room for a new system I just cant figure out what it is going to be. I build system's on a budget I cant make myself spend outragious buck's on some of this stuff. I guess I just buy mainstream part's. Im going to spend alittle more on this video card because they arnt any middle of the road card's. They have middle of the road prices but lac the -[GS]- performance that we have grown acustomed to. Anyway if you guy's have any suggestion's on my next build Ide love to hear them. The only requirement I have is that there is a noticeable increase in power and multytasking ability from my current gaming rig. And that none of the part's cost a fortune. No 600 dollar processor's and no 500 dollar duall stick's of ram.



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