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Crossfire on sli motherboards? if any

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there's a thread i read and it had something to do with the nforce4 chipset being designed for sli and crossfire or the development of sli/xfire, but then crossfire got dropped in the middle of it, or something like that, i can't remember, it took some good google searching to find it, anyway, seems like they knew what they were talking about though, but it was definetly concluded that xfire on an sli chipset won't work. I wonder if it would still be impossible with native crossfire, being that it's so much more similar to sli than the old way of doing it.

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It has been done and I'm sure it can still be done if you can find hacked drivers, problem is you would have to know who has them as they have been pulled from most of the sites they were on. ATI shut alot of it down with legal threats.

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Yes it can be done but it really is not worth wile except just for fun. It is a marketing ploy on both sides of the fence. Other than having a chipset that can talk well between two cards. The P65 chipset is a good example- great motherboards with enough PCI-E lanes in theory. The problem is cross card communication therre is another step for communications choking this up. The drivers do help get the most out of crossfire/SLI without individual drivers SLI is out of the watter it might work but probibily not well on any new game. The same for ATI to some extent.


It is unfortunately that drivers are so important but that is just life. Without updates for new games who knows what kind of performance you will get.

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