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cant pass 320fsb no matter what i do:(

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ok today i figure i try my cpu at devider 8.5 and see if i could pass 320 because i hate my ram runing way under stock speed.


but when i got in windows it rebooted the 2nd time it frozed


and the cpu speed was lower than what i run 24/7 in my sig think it was about 2.7ghzs.


i even tried the chip set and all the other volts higher and it still frozed.


is the board limited to 320 or something?


or what can i do to pass 320? the board is stable at 315 2.83ghz.


also i just found out i got the ccbbe cpu aint that the good stepping?


whoops also even with the stock devider 9 i still cant get over 320.


be nice if i could get 2.9 atleast but i cant figure out what holding me back...

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ok today i figure i try my cpu at devider 8.5 and see if i could pass 320 because i hate my ram runing way under stock speed.


I don't think 1/2 dividers actually do anything try the 8x multiplier.


Also if you are doing 320 x 9 = 2880mhz then it could be you are running to big a divider my expert/opty 165 would only run on the 166/180/200 divider at high fsb with 2gb of RAM.


I got the ccbbe cpu aint that the good stepping?


The CCBBE is 9 times out of 10 the better stepping & it should run 2.6 - 2.8 fairly easy on stock ish voltage but its not guaranteed although you are doing very well anyway @ 2.8ghz.





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so it could be very much my ram causeing the hold back from going over 320?


because right now i have my ram on 100 lol and the next highest it will do is 150 and than 200 but this ram will not run over 418 ram which even the 150 puts it over that:(

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man i dont get it i tried the cpu on 8 devider so its problee under 2.7 or 2.6ghzs than i tried 320 and it blued screen while loading windows.


so i tried the ht on 4 from 3 and it didint even want to load past the drives.


so pretty much i know its not the cpu doing it because its stable at 2.83ghzs but when i run teh cpu lower on 8 and than try higher fsb it either blue screens freezes or doesint load.


and also the ram is under stock think 320.


so pretty much i dont know whats holding it back doing 320.


any ideas?

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also will timings be doing it even if the ram at the lowest devider?


heres what i been at for months 2.826ghzs 314bus speed and 942ht link








and timings 3.0 5-5-11-7 comand rate is 1t and dram idel timer is 16 clocks


and everything is stable but when i go over 320fsb it locks up or freezes or no boot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

good news i went to OCDB and went to the last page and saw one that i say is the closest to my ram.


2x1024MB OCZ PC3200 EL Platinum (OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K)



so copyed all the ram settings that he has and than i just put every one up 1 higher than he has just to be safe lol and left the devider on the lowest because my ram cant do over 418ddr so its runing at 320;(


so i booted and no blue screens at 320:) so i tried superpi and it failed.


so i went back in bios and put this up higher Refresh Period (Tref)


and this DRAM Drive Strength than disable cpc and dbi


than i booted and ran superpi and it passed:)


so i tried the cpu at 320x8.5 from 8.0 and it passed and than i tried 9x and it passed so the cpu is at 2.88ghzs:) which befor was unstable and forgot to change my sig lol


my old config was 314 2.82ghzs.


so pretty much it was the timings holding me back;)


im going to keep it like this for a day and than going to see if this cpu will go higher which i think it will now:)

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the cpu goes up to 3ghzs and is stable with superpi 32mb:)


so i know the cpu can do it:)


the problem now is heat.


in smartguadian max it will go is 43 to 52 depens how hot the house is.


and on everest coretempo it will get as high as 67 to 70c than when it gets over 60 it fails.


that was with the stock heatsink so i tried my xp90c on it and it realy didint make a diffrence in temps ony the pwmic which it helped alot.


i tried 2 themal pastes atrthic siver 5 and the stuff that came with the xp90c and didint make a diffrence.


and it still got hot at 2.8ghzs which i had it at it all this time and i thought smartguadin was right so i wasint worrie about it.


its like this smart is 53 and others says 67 to 70c big jump.


but i kinda bleave the others because it fails when it goes over 60c.


my case is the xclio a380 which has 2 250mm fans so it should be cool.


i tried takeing off my sidepanel and it stayed in the 50s and thats when it passed 32mb.


so i turn the side 250mm fan off and it still stayed in the 50s close to 60 but is fine no problems.


so pretty much i dont get why when i turn off a fan it stays cooler?


but still i dont know why its still hot even after i put the xp90c on with the ufo fan that pushs 90cfm.

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changed my fans around the 250mm side fan i put so it blows out that helped so than i did a ram cooling mod holding by 2 rubberbands joes idea from xoxideforums and that helped:)


so on load i get 50s 49 and about 55 to 56max on 2nd core


so its stable what was causeing it to fail is when it went over 60c now it doesint.


right now im runing at 2.9 1.37vcore for now its stable at 3.0ghzs 1.4vcore to but when teh temps went over 60 it didint like it.


and also my ram deviders are working now i could use all deviders now :eek:


befor i could ony use 100 and 150 because my ram didint like over 416ddr.


but yesterday i figure i try 140 and it worked than when i had it at 2.9ghz i tried the next lower one so my ram stayed under 420 and it still worked.


so im overclocked at 2.9ghzs and my ram now runs at 415 stable:) instead runing it at 333 lol


i think the timings did it or something.


but aint it weird because i allways herd oppys dont like lower deviders on pc3200 ram


also i even tried my ram at 425 just to test it and it passed so when im at 3ghzs ram should be around there:)

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