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Big Rant: Hughes Net ISP!!! Very Long


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This is long, but there is so much to be said, sorry! Forgive the spelling I have a bad keyboard and I think faster then I type too! Anyhow here it is, you got to read this!


Hughes net is the biggest scam out there! I have had Hughes net for 18 months(Direct Way at that point) and Just when I finally got use to the, bad service, horrible tech support and FAP(Fair Access Policy) they went and changed it today!


Hughes lies! They have these adds that say, "High speed", "fast downloads", "no waiting to get online" and that they are the only option out there if you can’t get DSL! Well let me tell you how my 18 months has gone.


First they did do a good job setting up the install, the guy that did it was on time and had it done in 3 hrs. That’s the only good thing in 18 months. The first 2 months I spent more time on the phone to tech support then online. I had a hard time with the fact I couldn’t play anymore online games, no big file downloads (movies), FAP and the price I was paying for this crap!


I fought, the first 6-8 months, every week about the FAP and was lied to many times in that fight. I wasnt told about it before the install, and had no idea when I was first put on FAP the first month. I didn’t even know about it. Then I was told that I hadn’t paid my $599 for the equipment and they just shut me off one day. I spent 3 days tracking down my payment and yelling at as many people as I could. Once that was resolved I had issues with my speeds for 3 months. Never did get any answer for that, but they did give me the pro plan upgrade for free(for 6 months) but never told me anything why I had issues.


Now that was the first 6 months, so after all that I calmed down and realized I had no other option so I quit my gamming and movie downloading and started watching streaming TV as a pastime. Many good shows from old to new, it were a daily event. I would check my usage ever 2-3 hrs and made sure I keep myself off FAP. I would watch for 3 hrs then rest for 3-4 I had 8 months of no FAP at all due to all my efforts. Now when I did have s few FAP here and there the last 4 months my wife then couldn’t work on her masters online because it was so slow and she had allot of uploading to do.


Now after all that time, getting use to the BS Hughes puts its customers through, I see today that they have changed the policy. It use to be if you were to be put on FAP then you had to wait 4-6 hrs and then you could start again. But now the sent an email saying" good news we added 25 more MB to the FAP before they will put you on it. Sounds good right well they also in fine print stated that they would reset the FAP after 24hrs instead of 4-6. Not good at all, in fact way worse then before, but they make it sound like it’s a good thing, like they are giving you something.


Now two days ago I checked my usage, like normal and for the whole month this month and last month I had not one time I was on FAP. Today I looked, due to slow speeds and all that usage shows I was on FAP 90% of the time. So I called today and spoke with about 6 people and I get the runaround. More lying and a bunch of BS. First I’m told I need to unplug my computer for 4 hours and then it should be fin. Well I know better then that and told him no I’ve ever had to do that in 18 months so why now. No answer from him. I then talked to his supervisor, he was a jerk from the start, but he goes into this big speech about the fact I have been on FAP all month and I need to let my internet rest till 10am tomorrow. Never had to do that too, but I said I wasn’t on FAP at all this past 32 months and that he was wrong and I want it fixed. He blew me off, and then just kept saying the same thing over and over! I hung up after 1.5hrs on the phone.


Then after 2 hrs of just sitting and not surfing or anything I called again. Same BS with the first guy, in India, can’t unde5rstand anything, I speak to his supervisor. He goes through the whole deal and then says, "yes, you have been on FAP since the 1st of the month, I never gave the system time to reset". Well this time I had printed my usage page and was ready for him. I asked, ok well if I was on FAP, then I wouldn’t be able to download more then what? He said you will be lucky to get 6 MB downloaded during a FAP. Well I say that that’s weird because I see on my usage that I had downloaded, streamed video that is, X, X ,X ,and X amount of times, with MB's of 125 then 125, 80, 90, 132, 90, I could go on and I did with him. I asked "how can that be, if I was on FAP?" "I can’t say" is his answer and that means I wasn’t on it and that I did remember what I was doing, I know what show I was watching and that I had not one FAP before today. I hear breathing on the line, then nothing and then still nothing! Then I say "you can’t answer that can you?" Still nothing, then he says "well, yes that is weird". No kidding, that’s because you lie to everyone.


Well, needless to say, I call again after a few and spoke to his supervisor and just went off, I can’t stand when companies treat their customers this way. I worked customer service for 16 years and I know how to treat people right. Well after 5 hrs+ on the phone and lies and lies I finally said cancel my service it’s not worth $69.99 a month for dial up, slower then dial up, and once a day I can download something, that’s BS.



Now I warn all of you, DONT GET HUGHES NET! Also anyone that has it should cancel right now, the only way to make them responsible for treating there customers this way is to take money away from them. We need to do this and if even 40% of the Hughes net customers cancel, they will have to re-think this new FAP! FAP in general is a joke, it’s their way of saying, we over sell our service so you cant have what you’re paying for. I’m sorry I didn’t get this to surf the web, if that’s all I wanted I would have got Dial up. Who would pay $599+ 69.99 a month to have Dial up? Anyone that has Hughes did!


You know if they would have given better notice or even just was honest upfront I wouldn’t be writing this, well maybe but I wouldn’t be saying they lie! They advertise lies and they continue lying to you the whole time. They just need to be upfront and tell the truth about what they can offer. They need to have limits on how many customers are on. Then if it’s getting packed, launch another satellite, DUH!


This was the biggest waste of money ever in my 40 years on this planet! Cant they see, well I bet they do but don’t care, they know we have little choice and pray on that!


On a nice note, I called Wild Blue internet, satellite too, but the girl I spoke to, right from the start, told me that if I game allot or want to download big files this wouldn’t be for me. She said that at peek times, due to all their customers on at the same time, it can run slow. She went on to say, that its not high speed it’s just not and that there are times it’s slow and when you get on FAP it’s only as fast as Dial Up! What a nice way to be honest with buyers. They do have FAP too but they do it by the month so you get X amount per month, once you get close to that, they cut your service to dial up speeds. Much better then the new Hughes FAP!


Anyhow I don’t understand these DSL companies, they know if they put DSL somewhere that everyone will get it! So why is it that the USA being the richest and most advanced country, we still have places that need to go to Hughes to be ripped off! I think the government needs to step in and hold Hughes accountable for screwing over people. At least we are use to the government screwing us over!


I’m on dial up now and to be honest, it’s faster then Hughes would load pages anyhow!


Don’t get Hughes net, you will regret it!


Sorry again for the long story but it needed to be told! I’m sure that many others have said the same thing!


Thanks for letting me rant!

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Boy I just went through the entire post and I'm really sorry for you! This is bunch of bulshit and god thanks for Tim Warner Cable at 29.99 (unlimited) BTW: who told you the USA is the riches country in the world, you got to be kidding me! The economy in this country is at the lowest since 1900. :-0 I'm originally form Germany and the folks there get 32MBs down and 10MB up for 39.99E. This is what you get with fiber optics and they expand all over the country as we speak. I'm not even talking about the Japs which watch TV on their cell phones included in their 2 cents monthly fees! :beer Always remember! Education and electronics is not the strongest page in the book for USA! Unless they make education available for free (compared to US) like it is in Europe and stop spending all the money on stupid wars which nobody needs nothing is going to change there! Opps this is a PC forum and I hope you find a great ISP without the calling service in INDIA!

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That seems to be a pretty high price to pay for service...


I take it you probably live on the out skirts of town or even out in the sticks?


I would definately check you options thoroughly for service providers


even here I use Verizon and have for years...service is great..I get 3000/768 for 19.00 a month and have for a long time...


and what is FAP? I dont get put on a slower service if I use to much net...thats just dumb...


I would have cancelled my service with Hughes or any company after a month or 2 if I wasnt completely satisfied with their service...


If I have ever had a problem with Verizon and called I have gotten up to 3 months free service or a bill adjustment (usually both) just for my inconveniance (sp) just the way good business should be....

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That seems to be a pretty high price to pay for service...


I take it you probably live on the out skirts of town or even out in the sticks?


I would definately check you options thoroughly for service providers


even here I use Verizon and have for years...service is great..I get 3000/768 for 19.00 a month and have for a long time...


and what is FAP? I dont get put on a slower service if I use to much net...thats just dumb...


I would have cancelled my service with Hughes or any company after a month or 2 if I wasnt completely satisfied with their service...


If I have ever had a problem with Verizon and called I have gotten up to 3 months free service or a bill adjustment (usually both) just for my inconveniance (sp) just the way good business should be....


Verizon sounds like a good option for 19.00! Is this DSL over phone or dish? :)

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Boy I just went through the entire post and I'm really sorry for you! This is bunch of bulshit and god thanks for Tim Warner Cable at 29.99 (unlimited) BTW: who told you the USA is the riches country in the world, you got to be kidding me! The economy in this country is at the lowest since 1900. :-0 I'm originally form Germany and the folks there get 32MBs down and 10MB up for 39.99E. This is what you get with fiber optics and they expand all over the country as we speak. I'm not even talking about the Japs which watch TV on their cell phones included in their 2 cents monthly fees! :beer Always remember! Education and electronics is not the strongest page in the book for USA! Unless they make education available for free (compared to US) like it is in Europe and stop spending all the money on stupid wars which nobody needs nothing is going to change there! Opps this is a PC forum and I hope you find a great ISP without the calling service in INDIA!





LMFAO... who told you that? lol Deutsch Telekom rips these people off over here, lol

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The only real competition is between the Government(s) and the Corporations.

Based on the current Xchange rate I'm paying $51 a month for a 4MB/1MB connection. To be fair I've had very few problems over the years and the connection has been bloody good but recently the evening Fair use policy came in. Go beyond 89% of your bandwidth and your capped to 25% for at least 4 hours. Only seems to monitor P2P as the LOTRO beta came down the pipe with no problems.


Traffic shaping and customer scr*wing its the future unless the b*stards are willing to lay more cables

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