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new at AM2,need help to choose


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hey boys and girls what's up...lije my title says i need help to choose mobo,my first choice was asus m2n-e but i saw on some reviews that's not so good...so i can oreder one of these mobos and i would like to hear ur opinion,what to choose...




this rig will contain:

HDD 160.0 GB SEAGATE, Serial ATA II, 8MB cache, 7200 RPM


RAM PC-6400, 1024MB, DDR2, KINGMAX, 800 MHz

CPU AMD Athlon64 X2 4200+ BOX, socket AM2, Windsor, 2200MHz, 1Mb.c., HTT 1000MHz

530 W ATX 2, HIPER 4M530-PU(i allrdy have this PSU)


think PSU will be weak for this rig but again i wanna hear u

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dunno which site it was...so u wanna say this model is good?the reason way i came here to ask this is cuz i trust u guys.so whatever u say that will be my option...have u read which asus model it is?

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well I'm not familiar with the board, but I am familiar with guys showing up saying "well this site (or my friend, or someone, anyone) says this part is great" or "this one site says this product is total crap" etc.


When you tell me you don't even know which site it was, that says a lot. When you also say it was only the one site, that says even more.


What it says to me is "Angry, please help this guy because he's only reading one site and making a decision!"


so what I do is not so much tell you anything about the particular product you are asking about (especially since I am not familiar with it at all), hopefully inform you that relying on a single site (that is not even worthy of being remembered in your mind!) is a very poor way of going about researching something you are spending hard-earned money on.


What you want to be doing is hitting google.com (or your localized google that might be in your native language) and doing a search for the part you are asking about.


so for example, you'd go to google and type this into the search box:


asus m2n-e review


(you can also try reviews, plural, but i never do)


this will give you probably 100 pages of links to reviews on this motherboard (most of them will probably be links from one site to another site that actually has the review)


once you've read say...3-5 reviews of a product you are going to spend your money on, THEN you come back here and ask the same question..."hey, I am thinking of the asus m2n-e board. Does anyone here know anything about it? Does anyone have one?"


(and this should be after you've checked both the Stock Speed Database and Overclocking Database to see if the board or other part is in an entry).


You want to read multiple (at least 3, I try to find 5, maybe you want to read 10, its up to you, but minimum of 3 different reviews) reviews from review sites.


They are to be taken with a grain of salt because all these review sites, they all review the same exact way it seems. The review will give you all the basic info that you need (what chipset it is, what memory it requires, any features like optical audio, onboard video, etc). It will also almost always give you some comparison side-by-side with another board or another platform or another part in the same class.


That's the standard stuff.



Then you go to forums like the one you are reading this at, and you ask REAL people who PAID REAL MONEY for the product exactly what they think (or thought if they don't have it anymore) of it.



Then you got to come to some balance in your mind as to how much weight real users will get vs how much weight paid review sites (who usually get their products for free from the mfg so you won't see too many bad reviews of a product) get, and there's your answer.


sounds hard maybe, but in the end, it is easier than making money decisions based upon one site that you can't even remember the name of saying that something you want to buy is a piece of junk ;)

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didn't expect that reaction from u vuz i came here after 1 search cuz i trust u guys...cuz i learned a lot from u an i know that u know ur stuff...that is how i explain all this :) but nvm,i'll look on google as u said...think it will be worth of effort...tnx again for fast reply..cheers

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didn't expect that reaction from u vuz i came here after 1 search cuz i trust u guys...cuz i learned a lot from u an i know that u know ur stuff...that is how i explain all this :) but nvm,i'll look on google as u said...think it will be worth of effort...tnx again for fast reply..cheers


i didn't say we wouldn't help you by giving you our opinion of the product(s)


I just said you should already have done some initial research which always should be from more than a single site ;)


no matter what you buy, the most opinions you have about it the better. Even if 10 of us here owned the product and told you what we think of it, you should still go read 3-5 or more other sites/forums/reviews just to see what people that aren't at DIY-Street have to say about it!

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When I was first looking at mobo's a long time ago, I looked at ASUS and didn't like what they had to offer. I went with MSI and ended up returning it in about 20 days. I got my DFI to replace it and haven't looked back. It has been an awesome board. I would recommend it.


But this is just my opinion and personal experience. I say spend a few hours to do some research. There are reviews all over the place on these boards.


Good Luck!!!

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Guest Jarod888

I can't speak as to AM2 boards from Asus, but I can speak of Socket 939 and socket 478; specifically the A8n-32 Sli and the P4P800 E Deluxe. Both were/ are good quality boards.

I really have not had any issues with either other that the A8n32 keeps BSODing when I add the extra gig of ram I just bought.

I have 2 x 1 gigs of XMS 3200 Pro 3-3-3-8. I purchased another gig; 2 x 512 mb XMS 3200 Pro 3-3-3-8. No matter what configuration I try, anytime I am using any memory intensive app the BSOD happens, in particular when I encode video. I am not sure if it is a memory addressing issue or what, but it is kind of irritating. Also when I did my first install on the A8N32 I could only use the black dimm slots for my memory, when I put them in the blue dimms my monitor would not receive any signal. I have since switched the memory to the blue dimms, and knock on wood, I have not had any issues.

As far as the P4 board it was a fine board back in the day when I used it. It never had any issues with my BFG 6800 ultra OC agp video card or my audigy 2 sound card. It ran great with the same XMS 3200 pro memory that is in my current AMD system. I can't really complain about my ASUS boards, however I will soon be switching to DFI. I am hoping that I can use the full 3 gigs of memory and not have any issues. Plus I want to upgrade to SLI and I think I am going with the 8800 gts, so I will need the extra pci slot on the LanParty UT NF4 Sli-DR Expert if I ever want to add anything more than a sound card. I most certainly hope your install goes smooth with what ever board you choose.

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I purchased one of these when the AM2 first came out, and I would never buy an Asus again.


No DDR voltage and not much selection on voltage for the CPU either. Also it managed to eat two bios chips. When it was first launched the advertising for it claimed 15 step vdimm when it's only 5 and great overclocking potential.


I've ended up giving it to the kids, admittedly it's working better since I forced on the bios from the m2n sli which let me get the vdimm up to 2.1 and above. But it still wont let me select a 9x cpu multi so I'm stuck at 2.5 with it. It say 9x in the bios but never implements it and fails to post.


Ps it did this with it's own official bios as well

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