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John Carmack (creator of Doom, Quake) speaks out on Vista


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In case any of you haven't heard of this guy, he's the dude that really invented FPS shooters that you love.


He's a pioneer in the industry, and though he's not so lit up in neon these days as yesteryear, he's still very much a leader in game engine technology and programming.


It's always interesting to see what he has to say...and it looks like he is saying exactly what I have been preaching for a while.


Read on and enjoy!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Carmack says that there isn’t a huge need for new hardware just yet, as current hardware is more than adequate. “All the high-end video cards right now -- video cards across the board --are great nowadays,” he said. “Personally, I wouldn’t jump at something like DX10 right now. I would let things settle out a little bit and wait until there’s a really strong need for it.”


I find all of this Vista/DX10 stuff interesting, its good points and bad points. I can see that he hasn't completley ruled out the fact that we will be moving that direction someday it is however, obvious that we aren't really ready to go there just yet(and yes I am capable of forming my own opinions thru resarch and not regurgitating something I read someone else post). It really sucks that we live in a world that cycles around consumerism and capitalism, but hey, every now and then we get some really cool toys to play with.

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oh we'll all be using Vista within a year or three, just like we've always moved from 95 to 98, 98 to 2k or Xp, and now XP to Vista.


I've just figured out the game, and that is why my rule is never to move to a new OS until 90 days after the first Service Pack is released.


By then, the Service Pack will have filled most security holes (all discovered ones anyway), will have more robust drivers, will have bugs fixed, enhancements added, and best of all, 90 days after the service pack, all the software that got broken with the Service Pack update has now been patched to work properly with the Service Pack.


it is inevitable, Mr. Anderson

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Well, I went from Win95 to XP with nothing in between. I don't have the urge to spend money just to be spending it. If XP is here for another 5 year, I'll be using it.


By the time XP is not supported, I'll probably be too old for gaming, anyway. Then, I will go to Linux without looking back. I am truly impressed with Ubuntu Edgy Dft 6.10. The apps are still a bit Win 3.1 looking, but work great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

an interesting read, i can't blather on in the tech talk but i really dislike the fact that Microsoft is forcing DX10 on gamers. i am an admitted Halo addict and i have been itching to play Halo 2. i pretty much built my system in anticipation of halo 2, the Vista upgrade is another 100+ expense. plus i haven't even explored the possibilities on XP. oh well, it's the price we pay.

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Guest sprankiko

I installed Vista in my PC and it stayed there for about 5 days. After which, I reverted back to XP. Vista is really really nice to look at, but it gave me too much headaches. My father did the exact same thing to his laptop. And he's not even as technologically adept as I am (not that I claim to be any guru).


So even to the just-above-average user, Vista's physical appearance wasn't worth the instability and problems that it inherently had. There is only one possible reason why MS would try to replace something really good with something terrible: stockholders.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Angry about waiting until after the first Service Pack is released.

Personally I'd wait even longer. I used Win2k until I upgraded to SLi, which was December of 2005. I intend to use WinXP as long as I possibly can. There is no point to upgrading your Microsoft OS until the newest OS has proven itself, and worked out all its kinks.


As far as DX10 is concerned, I don't really need it, but those GeForce 8800's look mighty nice. I'm speccing out my new build, and I'm not going to build my computer around the operating system. I simply refuse. Hardware comes first for me, it is my true passion. Well, that and World of Warcraft. So, I don't even need DX10.


Microsoft has always, and will continue to base almost all their actions around marketing tactics like this DX10 fiasco.


In one aspect, however, as far as developing new technologies goes, companies should always be 'pushing the envelope', so to speak. I personally think that if the technology excels then the software will follow, although in the past, it seems that a lot of software has been limited by the tech. If the technology advances, it will open many new doors for programmers, and will carry us to new and amazing things.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Lavell

Well said! I agree 100%!!:cool:


I agree with Angry about waiting until after the first Service Pack is released.


I intend to use WinXP as long as I possibly can. There is no point to upgrading your Microsoft OS until the newest OS has proven itself, and worked out all its kinks.


As far as DX10 is concerned, I don't really need it, but those GeForce 8800's look mighty nice. I'm speccing out my new build, and I'm not going to build my computer around the operating system. I simply refuse. Hardware comes first for me, it is my true passion. Well, that and World of Warcraft. So, I don't even need DX10.


Microsoft has always, and will continue to base almost all their actions around marketing tactics like this DX10 fiasco.

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