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Can't break the 3.0ghz barrier. Help!

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I have tried many many many combinations and I can't get pass 2960mhz. Right now my setup is 204x14.5. Multiplier is still at 5. All I need is 3 more mhz but it's not happening. Prime95 fails after like 14mins anytime I run the processor at 3.0ghz or higher. It's prime stable for 8+hrs at 2960. My ram is running at 2.8. For some odd reason my ram doesn't seem to handle any fsb pass 223. Give me some advice. I am totally new to all of this. Thanks.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that for some reason CPU-Z reads my ram speed at like 197mhz. My timings are 2.5, 3, 2, 6

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I have tried many many many combinations and I can't get pass 2960mhz. Right now my setup is 204x14.5. Multiplier is still at 5. All I need is 3 more mhz but it's not happening. Prime95 fails after like 14mins anytime I run the processor at 3.0ghz or higher. It's prime stable for 8+hrs at 2960. My ram is running at 2.8. For some odd reason my ram doesn't seem to handle any fsb pass 223. Give me some advice. I am totally new to all of this. Thanks.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that for some reason CPU-Z reads my ram speed at like 197mhz. My timings are 2.5, 3, 2, 6


K, dont use the .5 multi on the CPU, try x14 with a higher FSB, drop the LDT multi to 4 when trying this.


Also your RAM wont run higher than FSB 223? - well that equates to DDR446 and as you RAM is rated to DDr400 @ stock settings that may be why - try loosening the timings to higher MHZ, also try the OCDB for similar setups with working settings.


However as you are new then first of all I would read the OverClocking sticky - lots of info that will explain a lot of your questions.


Good luck :)




Edit: Just seen your PSU, errr you will want to change that for one on the recommended list if your intent on going for the GGG, in fact just change it full stop http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29248

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I have gone thru the definitive guide to overclocking and the memory timings sticky. I just can't understand why my ram wont' go farther. I have seen people push the same ram much much higher than that. Why is it not good to use .5 on the CPU multiplier? I will try lowering the multi and upping the bus and see if that helps at all. Even though I have tried both ways. I can't figure out exactly what to do when loosening ram timings. I have tried it a lil bit.

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Perhaps the problem may be part of your power supply...It is rated for 500W, but only carries 34A on the 12v rails.



Don't know which specific one you have, but they all list 34A. That is my best guess; otherwise, keep tweaking.


.5 multipliers apparently cause you to lose RAM performance... did a quick Google on it. http://pcf.mundayweb.com/index.php?view=166&. Search for .5.


The Guide will help you loosen your timings. Basically, just increase the values :P


Edit: whoops, looks like EvilFruit already said the PSU stuff.. stupid me.

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LOL. Thanks for the help guys. Really. I figured loosening the timings was just raising the values but I thought there may be a strategy to it. I will be getting a new PSU soon. I also just read 2mins ago that there is a floppy power connector on the board. I totally missed that. I may be able to squeeze out another 4mhz from the bus and still maintain stability. I'm thinking of buying an OCZ GamerxStream 700w. Any other suggestions?

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LOL. Thanks for the help guys. Really. I figured loosening the timings was just raising the values but I thought there may be a strategy to it. I will be getting a new PSU soon. I also just read 2mins ago that there is a floppy power connector on the board. I totally missed that. I may be able to squeeze out another 4mhz from the bus and still maintain stability. I'm thinking of buying an OCZ GamerxStream 700w. Any other suggestions?


The Corsair HX620W 620W PSU. Pricewise, the OCZ. I just like the modular cables (since my case is small).

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have you tried 200x15 and bumping the vcore...? you may need to bump it a little more than you like... try it and bump it and see if prime last longer..if it does give it a little more...just stay lower than 1.55..;)

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The Corsair HX620W 620W PSU. Pricewise, the OCZ. I just like the modular cables (since my case is small).

Cool Thanks. I'll look into that.


have you tried 200x15 and bumping the vcore...? you may need to bump it a little more than you like... try it and bump it and see if prime last longer..if it does give it a little more...just stay lower than 1.55..;)

I tried that and I had the vcore at 1.6 when I tried it. Right now surprisingly the only thing that really seems to be stable at 3.0ghz at all is 14.5 multi. That's the multi I used to get to 2960. Right now my pc is priming at 3.000ghz 207x14.5 and the ram is at 188 since my ram can't seem to run stable at it's rated speed. It's been priming for an hour so far with no errors. HOwever my vcore is at............I won't say. I will just tell you my temps are maxing out at 53f while prime is running.

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Cool Thanks. I'll look into that.



I tried that and I had the vcore at 1.6 when I tried it. Right now surprisingly the only thing that really seems to be stable at 3.0ghz at all is 14.5 multi. That's the multi I used to get to 2960. Right now my pc is priming at 3.000ghz 207x14.5 and the ram is at 188 since my ram can't seem to run stable at it's rated speed. It's been priming for an hour so far with no errors. HOwever my vcore is at............I won't say. I will just tell you my temps are maxing out at 53f while prime is running.


You mean 53C right? If that's so, that's not too bad. Most people will keep it at least below 60, and many try to keep the temps to the low 50s at max.

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you may try to PM one of the OCZ reps and get a little help with the ram...


I think alot of your problems may be ram related....but not sure...I dont know what IC's are on the ram but for me when it's TCCD I just loosen them to 3-4-4-8 and run with it and see what happens... that may not work for you...OCZ would be a better place of info for ram specs...


good luck though... and temp wise you're fine...


and if it works go with it...


what bios are you running..? the 704-2bta seems to work very well...

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