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I have the computer below in my specs. It is prime stable. I just got an opteron 170 0610 and it overclocks to the same speed? Do you find it odd that I get the same speed out of it? I wonder if there is something that could possibly be holding me back. I can go higher but prime errors after about 5 mins. This is the same as my single core opteron. Thanks!!!

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I have tried the ram at a lower divider but i get the same result. Maybe it is another setting. I am running the vcore at 1.475 on this dual core and it is prime stable. Only the first day of testing though. I have the ram at 2.70v. The only difference that I see is that my dual core chip needs 1.457 and the single core needed 1.45. After 12 hours of prime 95 the core temp was 43-44C. Idle temp is around 33-34C. Is there something else stability wise that could be holding me back?

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An Opty 170 at 2.91ghz on air, and your wondering why it won't go higher :drool: That is a very good clock in it's own right and on a nice vcore as well. To the point though, getting higher will take a lot more patience and effort. As has been said, it is in all probabilty ram related. Also as you have maybe found out, not all the dividers will play ball on the 170. To be able to help constructivly though, you need to post up a list of your settings. Use the OCDB template, then post it up.

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Genie BIOS Settings:


FSB Bus Frequency............................. - 306

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - 3

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - 9.5

PCI eXpress Frequency......................... - 101Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value......................... - 1.500v


CPU VID Control............................... - 1.500v

CPU VID Special Control....................... - Auto

LDT Voltage Control........................... - 1.20v

Chip Set Voltage Control...................... - 1.52v

DRAM Voltage Control.......................... - 2.70v


DRAM Configuration Settings:


DRAM Frequency Set............................ - 180=RAM/FSB:09/10

Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - auto

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - 3.0

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - 04

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - 08

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - 04

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 08 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - Auto

Max Async Latency............................. - 10.0

DRAM Response Time............................ - Normal

Read Preamble Time............................ - Auto

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(4 Bursts)


Here are the settings that I am using

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Guest MadDias


are u serious???


edit: ohh.. must be a typo.. ur 170 only has a multi of 10

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I tried 300x10 and even put the ram at 5/6. I had to raise the vcore to 1.5v and then it booted fine but prime 95 failed in less than a minute. I am reinstalling windows now just in case. I had some sort of mpeg audio issue anyway that would shut down my tv tuner when i tried to record something.

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timings seem plenty loose...and on par so far...you may need 1.55 to get where you want...these things seem to scale well up to 2.8 on stock vcore then then from there it climbs pretty fast..;)


I could get 285x10 on 1.35 easy but to get that extra 15 took 1.5...then another .02 to get 310x10...thats pretty much +.2

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Here are some of my settings (that got me to 3.0) My rig seems to like these CPU VID values much better that the setting you are using. May be worth a try???





AMD X2 Opteron 170 dual core


2x512MB OCZ PC3200 (OCZ4001024ELDCGE-K)


ATI X800XL, 400/986 drivers


200 GB Western Digital SATA hdd




ANTEC NEO Power 480 Power Supply









[b]Genie BIOS Settings:[/b]


FSB Bus Frequency.............................  -  300

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio.......................  -  3x

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio.......................  -  10x

PCI eXpress Frequency.........................  -  100Mhz

CPU VID StartUp Value.........................  -  1.400v

CPU VID Control...............................  -  1.375

CPU VID Special Control.......................  -  110%

LDT Voltage Control...........................  -  1.20v 

Chip Set Voltage Control......................  -  1.50v

DRAM Voltage Control..........................  -  3.20v[/color]

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