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TT Big Typhoon on DFI nForce 3 UT 250GB Lanparty?


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I want to get this HSF to help me get the last outa my cpu but not sure if it will fit the mobo and how the install will be ? I have been reading over the net and seen that people replace the mounting mechanism for easier install and removal....Any of you guys have this on this perticular mobo? If so how did you install it ?

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i have the older typhoon model, was not to difficult, came with 2 metal plates and a pad i used, had to remove original plate. i installed on m/b outside of box, make sure you have clearance. never goes over 50C at any time, even under load. plan on building new box with fx62 and going to use typhoon vx.

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If you do get a BT. DO NOT remove the paper off the H brackets Pads. the sticky glue will stick on your board and you will not get the H bracket off. Get you some new screws and wing nuts for it. them little butt nuts sucks

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any specific screws? pictures :)


also anything for the northbridge cooling? i plan on overclocking all i did was replace the compound with some AS Ceramique......I need something that will fit with a X800X w/Zalman VF700cu on it and there is not a lot of space was thinking bout the ever cool vrc that they use on the nforce 4's

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Nice pics Nightshadow. I used the DFI yellow back plate. I bought some 1-1/2 inch #32 machine screws, wingnuts, washers and lock washers. DFI used #32 screws to fasten the stock retention clip to the back plate. I screwed the new bolts through the existing nuts on the DFI back plate and put the back plate back on. I used the wing nuts & washers to tighten the front H bracket and HS down.


I you do use the H-bracket for the back plate, put the sticky back foam onto the H-bracket, so that you can reuse the H-bracket back plate on another build. I didn't use it because of the cluster of transistors that are located on the motherboard behind the cpu. The stock DFI back plate has a cut out for this area. The stock back plate is plenty sturdy for the Typhoon.


Also, lap the copper heat sink to a mirror finish before installing on the cpu. Mine was very rough out of the box. Lapping will get you a few more degrees cooling versus not lapping.

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getting the hsf tomorrow and will install it before ill do ill lap it a little 600grit.....Debating weahter I should pop off the ihs of my newcastle ? my lanparty will be pushed hard tomorrow to see if i can go even further then this


http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=135494 :drool:


that was achieved with a XP 90 and a 92mm Zalman fan but temps were high 50's while priming

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before ill do ill lap it a little 600grit


Heck, if you are going to lap the HS, do it this way:


- get some 600 grit, 800 grit, 1000 grit & 2000 grit autobody wet/dry sand paper from your local auto store.


- get a very flat surface, such as a pane of glass and find a very flat table.


- get a beer


- You will start with the 600 G paper first and wet sand your way sequentially down to the 2000 G paper. As you sand away, keep the paper wet with water and take a peek at the surface of the HS. You will see all where all the high spots are. Tape your paper to the pane of glass (or what ever else you use for the perfectly flat surface) and place on a table/workbench.


- get another beer. Sand away using circular motions.


- As you wind your down and finish with the 2000 G paper, dry off the HS and get your favorite toothpaste. Toothpaste is mildly abrasive and rinses off easily with water, leaving no residue. The toothpaste will hone your newly lapped HS to a nice mirror finish.


- Celebrate with a beer ! and install your HS !


I lapped my BT over a 5 day period spending about one hour each session. It's pretty dull, but you will benefit by now having a perfectly flat HS surface that will lower your temps an additional 3-5 degrees over the plain stock rough finish.


Good Luck !

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