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Frustrating hard lock issue with 3DMark

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Hm, seems like solo looping 3DMark has been pretty stable. Now the hard lock happens when I dual prime and loop 3DMark at the same time. Not sure if these two don't play nice but I'll continue looking into it...


Oh and Flybye, I tried reinstalling but the computer Gods will not let me off easy it seems.

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Nearly 36 hrs of looking for the elusive needle in a haystack...


So, my computer has graduated from 3DMark hard locking during solo runs. Now it can solo run all day long without any problems and the other gamut of stress testing have also passed.


The only time I can replicate a hard lock is when I run 3DMark in conjunction with dual Prime95. What else can I possibly tweak to trouble shoot this?


A positive side effect of all this is that I've manage to get core volts from 1.568 down to 1.55 - not much but every bit counts!

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I though it was very helpful. Because when the mods see it you get a 7 day vacation. Without the nice helpful warning


That may be true, but there are better ways to be "helpful"


Rottendumpling. Better add your proper location. I ran into problems myself over this.

Running Dual Prime and 3D Mark at the same time seems like overkill to me. If Dual Prime is good, and the 3D tests are good, I'd say you're good to go. After all, ther is no requirement to run all 3 apps at the same time for the Overclocking Database.

Are you running more than just 01? When I had problems in 3D Mark, even though I was Prime Stable, it was my memory settings. Setting Bypass Max to 7 (which you've done) and playing with DRAM Drive Strength and DRAM Data Drive Strength fixed my problems. If you know what make the chips themselves are, you can look at the suggested timings for other brands, such as OCZ. If they are Redline, they are Infineon, and they are well known for 3D instability at speeds where the memory is Prime Stable. You may have to back off a bit for 3D if the problem continues.

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I though it was very helpful. Because when the mods see it you get a 7 day vacation. Without the nice helpful warning


In the two posts you made you've provided nothing helpful aside from making snide remarks regarding my location. If you're not going to contribute in a positive way, leave the thread.

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That may be true, but there are better ways to be "helpful"


Rottendumpling. Better add your proper location. I ran into problems myself over this.

Running Dual Prime and 3D Mark at the same time seems like overkill to me. If Dual Prime is good, and the 3D tests are good, I'd say you're good to go. After all, ther is no requirement to run all 3 apps at the same time for the Overclocking Database.

Are you running more than just 01? When I had problems in 3D Mark, even though I was Prime Stable, it was my memory settings. Setting Bypass Max to 7 (which you've done) and playing with DRAM Drive Strength and DRAM Data Drive Strength fixed my problems. If you know what make the chips themselves are, you can look at the suggested timings for other brands, such as OCZ. If they are Redline, they are Infineon, and they are well known for 3D instability at speeds where the memory is Prime Stable. You may have to back off a bit for 3D if the problem continues.


These Mushkin's are UCCC and I've tried most of the settings off of OCDB. I guess I shouldn't fret too much over it.

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In the two posts you made you've provided nothing helpful aside from making snide remarks regarding my location. If you're not going to contribute in a positive way, leave the thread.


I'm not a rules lawyer or anything but I'm telling you this here and now, put your location in like you agreed to in the rules of joining this forum or you're going to get your butt banned.


How's that for clarity?


Now... when you get it put in I'll make my very simple and painfully obvious overlook you've all been doing.

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