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Sorely dissapointed with this board...help?


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Ok. I cannot get my board over 305 fsb. It simply locks up before windows even starts booting. I get past the bios and then the computer locks up just before "Verifying DMI Pool Data" starts...


I'm not new to o/cing so I went through the normal steps of localizing the problem....it seems the motherboard itself is holding me back.

I ran my memory at DDR550(275mhz) and let memtest run 2 loops, and I didn't get any errors.

I had the cpu running at 2.9ghz w/1.4v in an A8n32-SLI board with no issues.

I went with the DFI hoping to push it over 3ghz cuz the Asus couldn't handle a higher FSB. Boy, was I wrong...



Any ideas? This is my very first DFI motherboard so there may be some setting I'm missing?

Anything you guys need to know...I'll help to the best of my ability.

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Welcome to the Street


Is this a new build? If so check out the NF4 LanParty - initial build guild w/pictures? linkage. If not check it out.


All four (4) power connectors plugged into the motherboard? These are;

24-pin main power connector

4-pin 12v secondary connector or EPS

4-pin 5v/12v molex connection or HDD-type

4-pin 5v/12v floppy connection or FDD-type


What CPU multiplier are you using? Use x9 with a Opty. What’s your memory timings?


Also 2 loops of memtest is not enough. Test your memory with memtest test’s #5 and #8 for 15-20 passes each. Then do all tests for 20 passes.

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Memory timings that worked with an Asus are not going to work with this board. 305HTT is nothing for a NF4 SLI-DR. If it won't go past that speed either the memory or processor is to blame or the timings are incorrect.

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Welcome to the Street

All four (4) power connectors plugged into the motherboard? These are;

24-pin main power connector

4-pin 12v secondary connector or EPS

4-pin 5v/12v molex connection or HDD-type

4-pin 5v/12v floppy connection or FDD-type


What CPU multiplier are you using? Use x9 with a Opty. What’s your memory timings?


Also 2 loops of memtest is not enough. Test your memory with memtest test’s #5 and #8 for 15-20 passes each. Then do all tests for 20 passes.


Is the connector for the 4 pin floppy right behind the upper PCI-X slot?

I don't have anything connected to that...


Using 9x multiplier.

Even dropping my CPU multi down to 6 and my mem divider to 1/2 I still cant get past 305...

Would memory timings still mess things up even if the memory at a low speed?

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Is the connector for the 4 pin floppy right behind the upper PCI-X slot?

I don't have anything connected to that...


Using 9x multiplier.

Even dropping my CPU multi down to 6 and my mem divider to 1/2 I still cant get past 305...

Would memory timings still mess things up even if the memory at a low speed?


Connect that floppy power connector then, it's there for a reason :nod:

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Is the connector for the 4 pin floppy right behind the upper PCI-X slot?

I don't have anything connected to that...

Yes, it requires a floppy style connector.


Would memory timings still mess things up even if the memory at a low speed?

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lewlz. i feel like a n00b

im at 320fsb right now as i'm typing this.


the floppy connector seems to have done the trick...


i'll post back with more results later.


too bad my wire management just went out the window...



thanks fast butt response and help!

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lewlz. i feel like a n00b

im at 320fsb right now as i'm typing this.


the floppy connector seems to have done the trick...


i'll post back with more results later.


too bad my wire management just went out the window...



thanks fast butt response and help!

Don't worry about it....it's why we are here. :)


I also suggest reading the following link. It will really help you out. There is a lot of good info about your BIOS settings. The Definitive DFI AMD Overclocking Guide. It may seem a little overwhelming at first but it’s not that bad. Take your time, be patient and asking questions. Keep reading the posts and have fun


Good luck.

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