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Official LanParty ICFX3200-T2R/G Overclocking Help/Discussion


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511 FSB as a max is an issue?


I'd rather have a board that could do 460 stable with a 511 max than a board that can go up to 900 with a max stable of 430.


Finding this as a flaw is, IMO, ridiculous. If you're over 511 FSB, you're not stable, and probably a CPU-Z/1K of superpi kiddie showing off on forums after buying $800 cooling for a $200 processor that you don't even use right. Can you shrink a DVD at 511 FSB? Can you encode music at 511 FSB? Can you encode video at 511 FSB? The list goes on. No, you can't. You're limited to taking stupid screenshots.


the mounts are different than standard Intel 975 hooks


there are no heatsinks at this time that will fit this motherboard's NB mount unless you use adhesive


I noticed it has four hooks. Even if they are propriatery, I was thinking that I could take the two clips off the stock heatsink, and use them on the waterblock I have. I can't tell from the pictures, but even if they do have different hooks/different lengths from the stock coolers, the circumference of the clips seems the same as the ones that came with my waterblock, so I could perhaps put them straight on the waterblock, instead of using the clips it came with. I guess time will tell, but this would be interesting, it'd mean that waterblock isn't going to waste in the closet and I don't have to have a fan twist tied to tubes above the chipset.

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the mounts are different than standard Intel 975 hooks


there are no heatsinks at this time that will fit this motherboard's NB mount unless you use adhesive


Check the link in my sig..... it comes with hooks... very solid hooks too.


I'm currently using them on my 975X/G and (after a pair of needlenose pliers straightened the mounting loops) I can pick up the MoBo by the cooler.

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if you think it will work on teh RD600 then by all means you go ahead and try to install it


but if you read my words, you will understand that part that says IT WILL NOT FIT BECAUSE THE HOOK MOUNTS ON THE RD600 ARE NOT THE SAME AS THE NORMAL INTEL CHIPSET HOOK-MOUNTS.


if you get it to install fine and dandy but any chipset cooler that fits a normal Intel chipset will not fit this RD600.


I would assume you could take my word on this since I actually have an RD600 and more than a couple Intel motherboards and would have already tested this almost first thing when I pulled the RD600 out of the box...which I have already done....which is why I can assure you that the mounts are not the same distance and therefore standard chipset coolers that fit on teh 4-hook square Intel chipset setup will not fit this very rectangular RD600 4-hook mount without a lot of serious fooling and modding (or you get extremely lucky and somehow have a chipset cooler that will fit on this RD600 which would be odd since there's no way that the chipset cooler mfg could have had one of these boards before we do and already have a chipset cooler designed and mfg'd and then on the shelves for you to buy which you bought a while ago before we ever got an RD600 motherboard).

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if you think it will work on teh RD600 then by all means you go ahead and try to install it


but if you read my words, you will understand that part that says IT WILL NOT FIT BECAUSE THE HOOK MOUNTS ON THE RD600 ARE NOT THE SAME AS THE NORMAL INTEL CHIPSET HOOK-MOUNTS.


if you get it to install fine and dandy but any chipset cooler that fits a normal Intel chipset will not fit this RD600.


I would assume you could take my word on this since I actually have an RD600 and more than a couple Intel motherboards and would have already tested this almost first thing when I pulled the RD600 out of the box...which I have already done....which is why I can assure you that the mounts are not the same distance and therefore standard chipset coolers that fit on teh 4-hook square Intel chipset setup will not fit this very rectangular RD600 4-hook mount without a lot of serious fooling and modding (or you get extremely lucky and somehow have a chipset cooler that will fit on this RD600 which would be odd since there's no way that the chipset cooler mfg could have had one of these boards before we do and already have a chipset cooler designed and mfg'd and then on the shelves for you to buy which you bought a while ago before we ever got an RD600 motherboard).


So are you saying it won't fit??? :D Methinks it's time to put my China resources to good use and come up with something that will fit. Something WITHOUT heat pipes!!! ;) So tired of seeing all of the new mobo offerings with a tangle of pipes snaking this way and that and thankfully the RD is missing this PR/marketing pile of worthlessness/gimmick. Couldn't help but laugh at Fry's tonight when I saw a PSU with heat pipe cooling...:confused: Asus Striker is a joke in that regard as well. They have it right when they call them "heat" pipes and connect all of the heat generating components "together" and then neglect to actually provide any means of REMOVING the heat :D

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You know what I might well get a vacation for this but it NEEDS to be said... you should probably at least click the ol' link mentioned in the post before ranting like a moron, Happy. You're not all-knowing and omnipotent. LOOK at the effing thing. I BOUGHT this chipset cooler with knowing that I had two immediate board purchases in the future to make. It will fit on nearly every board made in recent history with hooks or mounting holes by it's nature. Now PLEASE, tell me if these hooks are amazingly far apart (more than 3") or shaped in a 100% different way than any other hooks before them. If so then tell me (maybe gimme a pic so not only am I proven wrong, I'm also informed as to what I'll be needing).


I'd rather be corrected for a good reason rather than "I'm-better-than-you-cause-I-have-the-board-and-work-for-DFI-and-don't-need-to-look-at-your-chipset-cooler-or-acknowledge-why-it-won't-fit."

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Well regardless if you get a vacation Thrax (unwarranted IMO) you did a nice job on the chipset cooler write up...


With the NB being located where it is now-a-days above the gfx cards instead of buried somewhere between and under them you may well get away with that one. I personally don't think that the addition of heat pipes is the end all be all that is being hyped as these days. I'd like to see more chipset coolers with the capacity to "aim" the cooling fan toward the back though (if possible) rather than the old conventional pointing down onto the mobo. Kinda weird how mobo makers are going "passive" on the chipset these days when clearly they need even better cooling to get the high FSB's...


Clearly there is a market for better cooling on the chipset but the big boys seem content to use gimmicks instead of "real" solutions. I know it's tough to cram a whole bunch of doo dads onto a motherboard but I can't help but think these guys are just missing the point somehow. It would be nice if they actually got SERIOUS for SERIOUS enthusiasts.


A strictly designed mobo targeted at overclockers and nobody but overclockers without all of the BS would be a true godsend. Kind of like an AMG Mercedes or M series BMW. But they just keep churning out "mobos for the masses" and that's where they make their money so that's what they will keep on doing. Just think if Oskar Wu were allowed to have a small team of dudes and the only goal was max OC. No onboard sound. No onboard LAN. No onboard RAID. Not even SLI or Crossfire ;) Just a pure overclocking monster that didn't utilize "cool" looking heat pipes but instead had room to come with some serious heatsinks and fans where you really needed them. An uncompromising beast that could truly deliver unwavering voltage at any level on any component...A true component killer without resorting to mods :)


Oh well...back to reality...

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Thanks for the compliment, OG.


That board would be pretty F*&^ing awesome... I'd buy it.


However... the cooler in my sig EASILY fit on this board, (actually more easily than it did on the X/G.)


Now, how can't it do the ICFX3200 Happy? How can't it?


Wouldn't ya though? Asus is charging over 400 bucks for the Striker...400 bucks!!! For the same overall performance as an Infinty at 170!!! 230 more for a few more FSB and some flashy lights and LED's :D Just drop some LSD and you'll get the same effect for a whole lot less!!!

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I can't believe it took them oh...582359852850 years to come out with RD600's 'dividerless' ram with their own clock generator. DUH! Best memory performance period!


Then I get a bunch of yahoos on other boards spouting off things like "the RD600 was obsolete before it even came out." Then make examples out of boards made LITERALLY 4 years ago as proof that DFIs won't even be close to the best Intel boards. ASUS and Gigabyte alone have those honors right? Come on guys. The Infinity I'm playing on right NOW is JUST as good as your Asus and Gigabytes for less. I'm nailing down FSB 400 Orthos stable as we speak. (Going on 4 hours) with NO ram tweak and 1.425Vcore (way more than I think I need.) It AUTO settings the ram at 4-4-4-10 when it's rated at 5-5-5-15 ...


WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM A BOARD THAT COST ME $140 SHIPPED? (I can think of one thing... making it more tolerable to ram but BFD now that it works.)

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a CPU-Z/1K of superpi kiddie showing off on forums after buying $800 cooling for a $200 processor that you don't even use right. Can you shrink a DVD at 511 FSB? Can you encode music at 511 FSB? Can you encode video at 511 FSB? The list goes on. No, you can't. You're limited to taking stupid screenshots.



well maybe you can think that everyone that doesnt think like you is just stupid or a kiddie


i dissagree

when travis talks about the max fsb and tell us the things he does, i can understand very well his point

he runs a forum where stability is king and queen and he wants to avoid the tipical "mine is bigger than yours"

i understand and accept that...cause this is his forum and things have to be the way he wants it to be.....if i dont like it i can go somewhere else



concerning you calling stupid to overclokers that spend quite some time testing and finding the limit to the machines...using phase or dryce just for the fun....and you tell that is just showing off for kiddies and stupids.....:confused:

i dont do much encoding.....but i dont turn to ppl who do and say that encondig is useless or stupid

i payed for my rig and i do whatever makes me happy with it


i love mi dfi as the next man......cant wait to get my hands on a new lanparty conroe ready....

but 511 of fsb is really scaring me.....

i have 2 good chips that can do 4ghz on air or water and 4600 on phase.....

just need a good solid board that doesnt need a lot of vmods just to get the vcore i set in bios


511 fsb....for me....is not enough

i will buy it anyway...and prolly the dfi 680 i also but i feel sad when i read this kind of comments

i have a few OCDB entryes with AMD....i am also a stability man.......but sometimes i like to gather with friends and get my rig to the very limit i can


does that make me kiddie or stupid


i dont think so


not trying to flame or start any confusion around here....i have almost 2 years of "street"...i try to get along with everybody...helping when i can.....but with this kind of comments i feel like a "persona non grata"....cause i am an overclocker and like to cross the line every now and then

i lke to run pi 1m and fight for that last ms to beat the next guy....

does that make me a worst person ?


some ppl like racing cars....others go phishing or hunting......others like to download movies and encode them....

i like my rig pushed to the limit....



plz dont flame cause thats not my intention...and the ppl who goes by this forum knows that i am not that kind of person


sorry travis for the off topic but i had to let it out of my chest


merry xmas

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