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A late introduction


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Ok, so I've been a member here since October this year and never officialy introduced myself. In fact I never knew that this site existed until I got my current motherdoard in October as well. I've been using DFI on all of the builds I have done, which is only 2 to be honest, but I'm only 20 and I built my first computer at 17. I don't really have a whole lotta time to play games since I started college but it's a hobby of mine to mod my computer case. Plus my old socket A was becoming unable to run anything newer than Final Fantasy XI and I could only run it at lowest settings :eek: . But I just finished the build you see in my sig about 4 weeks ago and now i'm running strong. Just a few more upgrades to go and I'll be satisfied until I'm out of college.


P.S. It's 2:30 in the morning here and I'm on the 4th page of a 10 page final due tomorrow so I'm just procrastinating cuz I know I'm not gonna sleep tonight anyway.

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I have 3 finals in a row, starting is 4 hours. Going on less that 6 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours. Can't wait for break, NWN2 is calling my name.


Looks like a pretty nice rig you have there, enjoy.



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aaah i missed college :) (of course, i missed highschool while i was in college, hating it lol)


good luck with ur finals ;) i never slept on finals when i studied comp. eng., i got home, slept for 3-4hrs, woke up, shower, grab dinner, and study away... works better.... :) for me anyway


AH, thats me rambling again, u'll see that alot around here... me typing on stuff...


OK i'll stop.


welcome :)


enjoy ur stay, if u got questions, shoot away!

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