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Almost....but not quite 3.0 stable


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At first I could barely boot into windows @ 334 FSB, 9x mult., 1.55 vcore, 150 mem divider, 1x-3-4-4-8, 2.6 vdimm, 2x HTT multiplier, 1.3 LDT voltage, 1.7 Chipset voltage. I reread the OC guide and it still didn't get me very far with my memory timings so I manually set them ALL to auto in BIOS, rebooted and wrote down all the timings that came up in A64 Tweaker. I rebooted again and manually put in all of those timings I wrote down in the BIOS.


I can now not only boot into windows regularly, but I can P95..............but for only 6.5 hours before I get an error. Still quite a massive improvement from before when I'd P95 for less than 20 seconds before geting an error. What timings should I tweak now??


Current settings:


FSB: 334

LDT/FSB Freq: 2.5

CPu FSB Ratio: 9x

CPU VId control: 1.525

CPU VID Special: Auto

LDT Voltage: 1.3

Chipset Voltage: 1.7

DRAM Voltage: 2.6


DRAM Frequency: 150 (About 250mhz actual)

CPC: Enable

TCL: 3



TRP: 4

TRC: 15

TRFC: 17


TWR: 3



TREF: 3072

Odd Divisor Correct: Disable

DRAM Bank Interleave: Enable

DQS Skew Control: Auto

DQS Skew Value: 255

DRAM Drive Strength: 7

DRAM Data Drive Strength: Level 1

Max Async Latency: 9.0 ns

DRAM Rewsponse Time: Fast

Read Preamble: 6.5 ns

Idle Cycle Limit: 16 cycles

Dynamic Counter: Enable

R/W Queus Bypass: 8x

Bypass Max: 4x

32 Byte Granularity: Disable

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Bowtie - You know, I honestly don't remember (too many beers ago). But I'm pretty sure I did it @ 334. I'm assuming it makes a difference since setting it to auto at different dividers sets up the RAM @ different timings, so that's why I'm 99% sure I did it @ 334. I can confirm this if needed.


I also read in another thread that the TRFC should be 3120, not 3072. I know this can be an important setting, so perhaps I should reset that??


Hmmm, more vcore huh? I'm already @ 55C core temp. I'm afraid more voltage will become too hot. I guess it won't hurt to try.

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I originally tested my system @ 1.5Vcore @ 2.95GHz and failed after 5 hours, so I'd say bump it .25 and go for it, as 1.525V gave me 10 hours Prime Stable. So 1.575V should do ya. Then you need to get liquid cooling cuz 55C load... and with .25V increase yer lookin' at MAYBE (this is a guess) 2C more in temps. Maybe. So yer gonna be verging on what I consider too hot (it's not that it's too hot for the processor, just hotter than I like my components to get, with the exception of this flaming hot 8800GTX, which got up to 62C earlier while fillin' people full of holes in FarCry)

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I really hate to go liquid cooling since I can't shell out $300+( I want a good one, but have no idea what to get since I haven't researched it), but I really wanna get 3.0 on this CPU since I paid a lot of money for this stepping a while ago for that reason. It seems a lot of people are getting 3.0 on air @ 1.45 volts with this stepping on Extreme Systems forum but I haven't checked here just yet for vcore. I know not all systems are alike but I wish mine were.


Edit: Looks like 1.5 vcore and above is the norm on this forum. I guess I'm at average "IF" I get stable @ 1.55 vcore.



If ANYONE has any suggestions with the RAM timings I posted above, I'm all ears. I'm completely Error free in Memtest 86 (10 runs of every test) and Memtest for windows 3200%, but if I can get better timings I'm all for it. I just have absolutely NO idea where to go from here.......I would greatly appreciate any help I can get on this subject. Hmmmm, maybe if I start a new thread with GSkill memory timings in the title I may get more suggestions from other GSkill users (yes, I did do a search and got the GSkill timings thread and tried almost ALL of them with no luck). I'd like to get it to 270mhz so I can run a 166 divider instead of a 150 divider.

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wishing is a good start :)


but keep wishes in check wit reality ;)


all systems are different....


i have the same problems on hitting 3.0... i can only reach 2.925. painful, but i can live with it.


if ur asking about the timings, so ur sure its ur RAM? how bout on the succesful settings u got there, set the divider even lower, run it at around 200 or so, and whoop that CPU....

if ur still hitting the same wall, its ur CPU limitation then, not ur ram. changing the DRAM settings wont help abit.


if ur asking about the vcore... well, like i said... wishes vs reality. 2.9 is great ;)


i need 1.550 to get 2.925 on the expert board.

i need 1.500 to get 2.87 on the SLI INF board BUT with the INF board i cant get it anymore stable beyond 287...... trust me...i tried...

different board, different luck.


then i got a buddy that got an SLI INF too and nearly identical system (except he used Antec and i used Enermax for PSU, but same Watt, and he got a GS i got a GT), and he can only get it up to 2.4Ghz, no more....

different PSU, different luck.



so good luck there :) but dont go head over heel if u cant reach the magical 3.0....

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Yeah, I know I can wish in one hand and sh** in the other and see which gets fuller. But I got a good feeling I can hit 3.0. I've had nothing but success since I've delved deeply in this subject over the last couple of weeks or so, so I know I will only progress farther. But I know luck plays a lot into this, and that is somehting I've never been blessed with.


As far as my RAM timings go, the only reason I'm still thinking that is the problem is that I can't get it over 250.4 mhz. I know that I shouldn't guarantee myself that I can get it higher, but come on....not even 255???There HAS to be some magical timing that I need to change that will help out. I've tried changing them all, but not one at a time since I don't have endless free days to do it and I don't know where to begin.


Oh, and just a note I've been reading countless threads that Opty 165's don't like dividers much below 150. So setting it to 100 (I'm assuming that's what you mean by 200) still doesen't count out my CPU or my RAM as either could still be unstable.

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i see...


well yeah, my 3800 doesnt like divider below 150 too :(


anyhow...even with 250.4, u'll hit 3Ghz on the CPU. so ur memory should still be fine.


but if u wanna change... well, its a gskill, whole different beast wit the OCZ, but they should b UCCC as well. so try 16x instead of 8x on the RW Bypass, 3120 always work better for me...... and preamble 7.5 instead of 6.5, max latency 10 instaed of 9.



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1.55V + 109%?!?


MY COOLING can't handle that. Well it probably could, as long as I didn't run Prime... anything over 1.5Vx109.6% and it won't even boot cuz of my low-grade lc system ;)


But I do think if you go 1.5V x 104.8% (which comes out to right about 1.57Vs) you should score a win in the 8 hour+ category for Prime and get yer system declared OCDB stable.

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