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Overclocking Opteron 170 - 2.9ghz so far


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Yeah, this really is an excellent chip, I was in shock when I realized I am at 2.9 on stock. Now i'm worrying about the temps though, im getting 50-52C max under high load consistantly, is that OK or is it hurting the life of my chip? Also turning up the voltage to 1.475(cpu vid, not startup) and trying 300x10 isn't working for me either, I end up failing prime within a minute.


Does this mean i've hit a wall and the chip itself is incapable of going to 3ghz stable? Or is it just not going any further because of my high temps?



Your temps are fine around 50-52c and its probably not hurting the life if the chip, especially considering that you on on stock volts. I always try to keep the temps under 50c on air if I can, but I wouldn't worry about 52c.


If prime fails within a minute @ 1.475, then you probably won't get to 3.0ghz on air. What are your load temps like @ 3.0ghz with 1.475v? My other opty hit a wall because of temps, pretty much anything over 55c would bring instablility. This may be the case with yours as well.



On a side note, my opty is still priming away @ 300x10 on 1.45v - 7h 45m. Looks like I will probably be making a new OCDB entry in a few hours...

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I was considering an Opty too these days but i am undecided between a 170 and a 175.


For a 40 buck of difference i would prefer the 11x multi of the 175.


Do you know anything about the overclockablity of the 175? I didn't heard much about it.

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Yep, so I bought an opteron170(CCBBE - 0617FPMW), did a clean format and reinstall of windows, I also upgraded my PSU to an OCZ GameXtreme 600W and bought an Nvidia 8800GTS. I do currently have ONE stick of the ram in my sig, as I am RMA'ing the other one.


Right now I have it at 2.9ghz, stable, running for two days straight, ran prime on it, as well as gaming, 3dmark and many intensive applications.


I'm using the same RAM settings as I did with my previous overclock of my 3000+ as my ram hasn't changed, wondering if you guys suggest any modifications to the settings, also wondering if I can push it more.


FSB: 290

Mult: x10

Pci E frequency: 100mhz

CPU Vid Startup: 1.475V

cpu vid control : auto/default

LDT Volt: 1.40V

Chipset Volt: 1.70v

DRAM Volt: 2.90v


DRAM config:


140=RAM/FSB: 07/10

CPC: Enable

TCL: 2.5

TRCD: 03

TRAS: 10

TRP: 03

TRC: 07

TRFC: 13

TRRD: 04

TWR: 03

TWTR: 02

TRWT: 04


TREF: 4708 cycles

Bank Interleave: Enabled

Increase Skew

Skew value: 200

Dram Drive Strength: weak 3

Dram Data Drive Strength: level 3

Max Async Latency: 0.8nano seconds

Dram response time: Fastest

Read Preamble Time : 0.5nano seconds

Idle cycle limit : 064

Dynamic Counter : Disable

R/W Queue bypass: 16x

Bypass Max: 08x

32byte granularity: Disable(4 bursts)




My temps for my proc and chipset under load max out at about 49-51C. Are these OK?

I have tried upping the FSB to 300 but prime fails in a few minutes(on one of the cores). Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks.


http://img439.imageshack.us/img439/7750/cpuzzw3.jpg <-cpuz screenshot


Try loosening up your MAL and RPT timings a little. Opterons seem particularly sensitive to these two. For example my opty requires a MAL of 9 or higher to be stable @ 325HTT or higher. RPT seems less critical but usually setting the two 2ns apart is a good start, eg Mall-9.0ns, RPT- 7.0ns

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I tried that, still didn't work. :( It helped though as so far I seem to have it stable at 295*10 v1.45, but 300x10 still fails within a few seconds. I'm wondering if hitting 3ghz is even a realistic possibility now.


As for my temps @ 1.475, they're pretty high, though I can't give you a consistent reading since orthos fails very quickly under load, but I did notice them spiking up to 55-59C.


Current ram config:

140=RAM/FSB: 07/10

CPC: Enable

TCL: 03

TRCD: 03

TRAS: 08

TRP: 03

TRC: 10

TRFC: 16

TRRD: 03

TWR: 03

TWTR: 02

TRWT: 03


Max Async Latency: 0.9ns

Read PReamble Time: 0.7ns

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So I seem to have it stable at 2.950ghz, v1.45. At this point, is it worth to try and push it to 3ghz? I mean what difference does 50mhz make? Also I'm not sure if I want to up the voltage any more, my temps under load are now 53-55C. Thanks.

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