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Fan Noise To Cfm Comparison


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I'm looking to get myself a 92mm fan for, most likely, a SLK-900U.


Question is: Which fan pushes the MOST CFM without being noisy?


Tornado/Delta, etc are completely out of the question due to the fact I leave my comp on and enjoy being able to sleep.

So, something less then 30dBa would be ideal.


I've been googling about, but no one really has a direct comparison, thought someone here might know.

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nobody really answered ur question... fan controller is nice but a good fan that has those specs would be nice... i asked this question b4 and found no answer... all you have to do is to look at each fan's specs and compare it urself... use a calculator if you have to do the absolute ratio comparison... tell me what you find!

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Heard panaflo 92mm are pretty good-I use a zalman ZM-F2 92mm-pretty quiet at about 36.1db at full speed- can get it with a fan mate 1 from zalman to control speed. Also look at zalman new 7000 series-but it is too big to fit in my case-about the size of a CD-ROM disk. But said pretty quiet and not a bad overclocker to boot.

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