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Cannot Enable SLI

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Well I went with the OCZ GameXStream 700W PSU and $200 later I am still having the same problem.


Is it possible that this could be a software issue with Windows? I get to the Windows load screen and it starts to load then I lose the video signal.


I have tried to use the VGA cable as opposed to DVI and same problem.

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Once the switches on the board are set to SLI them you only need to enable SLI apature. When you reboot do you get the ballon in the lower right hand corner stating sli enabled? Have you tried just one card in the lower PCI-e slot to make sure it works properly? does your device manager report both cards? I'm thinking something is a miss in the SLI jumpers make sure they are all seated right. This is a guide to enabling SLI on an expert it is the same except on yours you need to move the jumpers thus enabling the 8x 8x http://www.planetamd64.com/lofiversion/index.php/t17812.html

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I have the ATX, stabilizer and SLI power connectors all connected on the mboard. Those are the only 3 power conctions I see on the mboard.


There are four power connectors that must be attached to your motherboard.

double check your board with erico's pic. It was taken form the DFI initial build w/pics thread. Happy explains the step by step set-up of your motherboard there.


If you don't have all of these connected or perhaps you skipped something you will have some trouble. Maybe you can go over your board and be sure of this.

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There are four power connectors that must be attached to your motherboard.

double check your board with erico's pic. It was taken form the DFI initial build w/pics thread. Happy explains the step by step set-up of your motherboard there.


If you don't have all of these connected or perhaps you skipped something you will have some trouble. Maybe you can go over your board and be sure of this.


I have the DFI LP NF4 Sli-D and my MB does not have the plug at the end of the first PCI slot.

I do have all the 12v leads plugged in and the board is working super.


My sound cable is in place of the power plug shown in the pic.

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1. Remove the old drivers and install both cards.

2. In the BIOS;


Set PCI-Express configuration to '8-NC-4-8'.

Enable 'SLI Broadcast Aperture'.

And also....if your BIOS is similar to mine theree will be an option labelled 'Enable dual 6600GT support'. I know you have 6800s but if evrything else fails....try it.


3. Install drivers in safe mode and reboot.

4. Enable SLI in the Nvidia control panel.

5. Your monitor may need to be connected to the second card if the screen goes black.

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Tried all of the above, no joy. I checked the BIOS and it has x8, NC,x8,x4 under PCIe and cannot be changed. I cannot figure this out and have pretty much given up on SLI. I have even tried a fresh OS install twice. I tried both cards and they both work in the top slot. I will try the second slot later as it is the only thing left for me to try and not sure if I have done that yet or not. I just need to take a break for now as I am getting a little too frustrated and do not want to break anything. Trying all of the troubleshooting with a water cooled PC is a pain :) Thank you all for your help and if you think of something we have not already tried, please let me know.

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Bit of a pickle this one. You could always try a different monitor. In all honesty though...my PC is not even working for moe than 10mins at a time and i think its my motherboard...so i cant set mine up again to advise you.

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Try Everest Home edition or PC Wizard 2006. Both programs will give you a better idea as far as what your OS sees as connected to your mobo. Take a look at devices and display in both programs. Let us know what you see.

Does it show something not connected to your system that you thought was connected?

If you install the both video cards in the 16x slots do they show up in Everest Home as 8x?

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