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back again... OT: Math Help!


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*WAIT FOR IT 2 Load, it will be all white and big and look for the questions while they load, theres 11 i think.*


yup, need help again by 2morrow at 8am pst hopefully

so i dont fail arg..


thanks again guys :|

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I'm sorry man, but I'm going to close this.


I mean I don't have a problem with asking for help...but assuming all you are supposed to do is reduce/simplify these....they're pretty basic and you really need to learn how to do them yourself.


If I missed something let me know, but while asking for help is okay, asking somebody to do them for you is unacceptable and won't get you anywhere.


Edit: to get you started; the top right problem, m = -3


If you can't solve for that yourself, ask for help, seriously.

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