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Prime crashes @ 5 1/2 hours

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I've gotten close to my personal goal of 2.8 Ghz with minimum voltage. I used to do 2.8 @ 1.6v, but that is too much for me to run 24/7. So now I am @ 255*11 @ 1.564v and Prime is crashing @ 5.5 hours after a lot of memory tweeks. Currently I have chipset @ 1.7v, HT @ 1.2v. Memory timings are 4-5-4-10, 2t, 15t. Trfc is 75ns for both DIMM slots. DRAM extra strength is @ level 4 and output driving is level 1. With the current setting I have gotten prime to run the longest, started crashing at 1.5 hours, with memory @ 4-5-4-12, 2t 20t. It seems my cpu liked the tighter timings of4-5-4-10, 2t, 15t. Any suggestions?

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Everytime I Try Prime95 With My Mem Tweaked It Fails So I Started Using S&M Overclocking Program Test both cores,Mem,Psu,And Hardrive I Dont See Many People Here Using S&M But I Alwase Do And Iv Never Had Any Probs :):)


Disable Safe Mode With S&M And Put CPU Test On LOOP And Mem Test On Loop And Let It Go Overnight .......




Prime 95 shows me instability at DDR600 but iv been DDR600 For More Than 6 Monthes So Im Stable Never Had A Crash Or Anything Another Good Way To See If Your Stabel Is Run 3DMARK05 or 06 And If That Dont Crash Your System I Would Say Your Stabel


But I Have Seen Stabel Clocks Become Unstabel Overtime.....

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it's been stated in here some where that if it makes it past 2 hours of prime and it errors it's cpu related...up the vcore a little and try again...;)


Thats True Mem Instability Is Found Within 5 Min Of Prime95 Everytime im unstabel with mem also S&M Will Tell You For Sure If CPU Is Not Stabel Or If Mem Is Not Stabel also PSU and Harddrives

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I'm just wondering why your chipset is overvolted? I have my 3500+ Orleans @ 2.8 (benched higher) I never needed to increase chipset voltage.


If I was you I'd settle for 2.75GHz or so with lower voltage. 50MHz isn't much and at least you know your CPU will be happier.

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