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Would you consider an Air Supply cover band something aweful?

Guest shaolin95_merged

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Guest shaolin95


I used to sing professionaly in a famous Latin Band. Now that I live in the states I have consider singing again just for the pleasure it brings me to do it. Recently I rented an Air Supply DVD concert and noticing that Russel can no longer get close to the range he had (although he still has a nice sounding voice) I began thinking that it would be cool to make an Air Supply cover band. I am a tenor and share basically the same range (head voice) that Russell uses a lot. I can sing Making love and Here I am in the original key, for instance. So what do you think?

I am not thinking on this trying to make a lot of money but just as I said, cause singing makes me extremely happy and where I live latin gigs will be very limited.


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How do I say this...

Do what makes you happy. I don't like the 80's for music in general (that's when Air Supply was, right?), but despite any opinion I may have and others may have, you may find a following. Whether you make money or not, so long as you have fun doing it and have people to help, who cares.


Life's short so put your effort into things that you enjoy. Good luck, whatever your choice.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Def do it. I sing in a Horse the Band cover band (that sounds weird) and its awesome. Were really only doing it for fun but we've gotten very good and we might play some local shows soon. Go for it then post up some audio :D

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Guest shaolin95

Thanks guys you are making me get pump up about it! I have been going to the gym getting ready to sing again. I want to make sure I am in top shape. :-)

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Well, I am a child of the eighties, and have no problem listening to an eighties cover band when I go out. I have always loved live music over a jukebox, usually. I think there's only been one or two bands that I've seen that I'd rather just have the jukebox playing. As everyone else has suggested, do what will make you happy, and enjoy it.

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Air Supply, cool man! Ages me, huh?


I play guitar and sing in a 50's band. We are basically a stage band. As my son-in-law says, we do records, not songs. We attempt to do the songs as close to the original as our abilities allow. People really like what we do. They say it takes them back to happier times.


So, go for it. It will bring you joy and those who listen to you, also.:)

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I'm a lover of just about any type of music.

Especially if it's "live".

Can't even walk through a Hotel without stopping for a while if a musician is playing. :)

I've always been in awe of anyone that can play or sing. Just jealous as heel.

Upload something so we can all give a listen.

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