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RMA mobo, memory, and cpu or wait?

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For the sake of avoiding confusion and possible giving the wrong suggestions I'm gonna ask a question or two. I'm not sure so confirm this either way. Are you using a PCI network card to get your internet connection? So, if you are, then you shouldn't need either or any of the onboard lans enabled. Again, if so, disable all the onboard lans and I'm thinking this will help significantly. Well, actually you should first remove them through the device manager and then disable them in the bios.

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Good....so far.


Edit: Nevermind, as soon as I watched a video it crashed. >.< It's done it for the last time. I'm taking it to someone that's more knowledgable about it than me and someone that doesn't just help me over the internet. I've had it with this machine. I can't take it anymore. So I'm going to have someone look at it for me.

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